Archived polls

6106 polls, displaying 5851 through 5900
What percentage of your income is generated by your most important client?
By Marie-Hélène Hayles - featured on Mar 31, 2006
more than half 32.7%
33% to 50% 24.8%
20% to 33% 18.1%
10 - 20% 10.0%
n/a 9.7%
less than 10% 4.8%
1179 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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When you are available for new projects, do you ever remind your (current) clients about it?
By anonymous - featured on Mar 30, 2006
Never 52.5%
Sometimes 32.1%
Yes 8.1%
Not applicable to me 7.3%
929 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have you ever forgotten to do a job because you had too many?
By Elías Sauza - featured on Mar 29, 2006
No, never 59.5%
Yes 23.0%
Never been that busy 17.4%
1250 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Pay being equal, and if forced to choose, would you prefer working as:
By Marialena Katsoura - featured on Mar 28, 2006
full-time freelancer 74.8%
full-time in-house translator 13.5%
full-time employee in another field 6.6%
other (please comment) 5.0%
1056 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What is your favorite CAT tool?
By Cristina Golab - featured on Mar 27, 2006
TRADOS 37.2%
I don't use CAT tools 29.8%
Wordfast 18.7%
Another 8.6%
SDLX 5.7%
1036 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How's your eyesight?
By Angela Dickson (X) - featured on Mar 24, 2006
Good 41.8%
Poor 34.3%
Perfect 16.8%
Very poor 5.7%
Other 1.3%
1054 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What do you check first in a colleague's profile?
By anonymous - featured on Mar 24, 2006
Free text area 20.2%
Working languages 19.6%
Specialization 18.9%
Native language 17.4%
KudoZ points 9.5%
Other (please comment) 6.7%
Location 5.3%
Tagline 2.5%
997 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How do you view the new member / non-member distinction (where those who pay are members)?
By Mihai Badea (X) - featured on Mar 23, 2006
It is fair. 53.9%
No opinion. 25.7%
It is unfair. 20.4%
993 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Paypal users: Have you ever had problems with PayPal?
By Moofi - featured on Mar 22, 2006
No, never. 78.3%
Yes, more than once. 11.5%
Yes, once. 10.2%
713 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you ever translate INTO a foreign language?
By Joanna Borowska - featured on Mar 21, 2006
Yes, from time to time. 42.8%
No, never. 35.2%
Yes, quite often. 22.0%
1200 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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CAT tool users: How have CAT tools affected your income?
By anonymous - featured on Mar 20, 2006
My income has increased 39.3%
No effect 29.5%
I don't know 26.4%
My income has decreased 4.8%
989 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Trados users: how capable are you with the tool?
By M. Laut - featured on Mar 18, 2006
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How many site features of do you use?
By Marion Schimmelpfennig - featured on Mar 17, 2006
Several 48.8%
Only very few 29.1%
Many 20.3%
All 1.7%
975 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How do you keep fit? Discuss tips!
By Christine Andersen - featured on Mar 16, 2006
I don't 27.0%
walks (w/ or w/o dog) 23.6%
jogging or solo sports 20.6%
kids, housework, etc. 12.8%
other (please comment) 9.6%
team/social sports 6.3%
1213 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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With how many colleagues have you collaborated on projects?
By Christopher Burin - featured on Mar 14, 2006
None 46.4%
2-4 24.0%
1 15.6%
5-9 9.6%
More than 10 4.4%
1193 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How frequently do clients provide you with translation memories (TMs)?
By anonymous - featured on Mar 13, 2006
Never 31.5%
1-10% of projects 30.6%
Not applicable 12.0%
11-20% of projects 8.9%
21-30% of projects 5.4%
31-50% of projects 4.7%
51-75% of projects 4.3%
76-100% of projects 2.7%
1070 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you flag and/or filter KudoZ askers?
By Agnieszka Zmuda (X) - featured on Mar 11, 2006
I do neither 55.9%
I don't know this function 29.3%
Only filter 6.9%
I do both 4.3%
Only flag 3.6%
1068 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What are your average earnings per hour of translation (before taxes)?
By anonymous - featured on Mar 10, 2006
10 - 19 euros 27.9%
20 - 29 euros 26.3%
30 - 39 euros 16.4%
< 10 euros 15.2%
40 - 59 euros 9.4%
60 - 79 euros 2.1%
80 - 100 euros 1.6%
> 100 euros 1.1%
1072 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Which of the following best reflects a translator's ability? (Comments welcome.)
By anonymous - featured on Mar 9, 2006
None of the above 50.0%
KudoZ answers given 27.5%
KudoZ points earned 14.4%
KudoZ questions asked 5.0%
I don't use KudoZ 3.2%
1125 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What do you prefer?
By anonymous - featured on Mar 8, 2006
Online/CD version of dictionaries 72.7%
Paper version of dictionaries 27.3%
1299 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What is the first reaction when someone finds out you are a translator?
By Marcus Malabad - featured on Mar 7, 2006
What do you translate? 37.5%
How many langs. do you speak? 33.4%
Other (please comment) 10.3%
Can you say something in XYZ? 6.5%
Where did you learn? 5.0%
I studied XYZ in school but I was bad. 5.0%
Where are you from? 2.2%
1210 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What do you do when the glossary supplied by a customer contains wrong translations?
By Maria Tulbure - featured on Mar 5, 2006
Other (please comment) 47.7%
I use the correct terms. 39.9%
I use the terms as supplied. 12.3%
964 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have you ever done subtitling?
By anonymous - featured on Mar 4, 2006
No 74.0%
Yes 26.0%
1219 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Freelance translators: Do you try to visit or meet your clients?
By anonymous - featured on Mar 2, 2006
No 74.1%
Yes 25.9%
1110 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you use anti-virus software? (Please comment after voting if you have tips.)
By Mihail Mateev - featured on Mar 2, 2006
Yes. 93.6%
No. 5.3%
I do not know. 0.9%
What is anti-virus software? 0.3%
1101 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What do you USUALLY think when you read others' translations (in your pairs/fields)?
By Joanna Borowska - featured on Mar 1, 2006
'Not too bad.' 44.3%
'Not very good.' 29.6%
n/a 26.1%
963 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How large is your monitor?
By Mihai Badea (X) - featured on Feb 28, 2006
17in (43.2cm) 41.8%
15in (38.1cm) 24.5%
19in (48.3cm) 16.9%
14in (35.6cm) 8.0%
>19in 5.8%
<14in 3.0%
1320 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Would you still work as a translator/interpreter if you became a millionaire today?
By Monika Coulson - featured on Feb 26, 2006
Yes, but part time 33.8%
Occasionally, just for fun 33.0%
Of course not 13.8%
Yes, same hours as now 11.5%
Maybe / not sure 8.0%
1116 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Describe how you are dressed today.
By anonymous - featured on Feb 25, 2006
Casual. 46.3%
Can't leave the house like this. 32.6%
Semi-casual. 17.2%
Professional (suit). 3.9%
1187 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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On average, how many times do you visit per day?
By loutrad - featured on Feb 24, 2006
More than 3 times 56.3%
2 to 3 times 26.3%
Once 9.9%
Less than once 7.5%
213 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How important is it to be certified in your primary language pair?
By Lindsay Sabadosa (X) - featured on Feb 24, 2006
It's great to have but not a must. 51.6%
Makes no difference. 20.3%
It's essential. 15.4%
Not needed. 9.3%
NA because none exists for my primary language pair. 3.3%
182 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How often do you make full-system backups?
By anonymous - featured on Feb 24, 2006
Sometimes 40.0%
Never 31.2%
Every month 9.6%
Every week 9.4%
Every day 4.9%
Every two weeks 3.8%
Every two days 1.0%
1156 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you ever ask your customers for terms support?
By Marisa Condurso de Nohara - featured on Feb 23, 2006
Only in rare cases 40.9%
Yes - regardless of customer type 38.2%
No, never 12.3%
Yes - but only when dealing with end clients 5.6%
Yes - but only when dealing with agencies 3.0%
1077 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you consider yourself a workaholic?
By anonymous - featured on Feb 22, 2006
No 38.1%
Yes 32.4%
Depends 29.5%
1016 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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If you work at home and have a family, how do you feel (most) when you shut yourself in your office?
By Stephanie Mitchel - featured on Feb 21, 2006
Other (please comment) 41.2%
Relieved 29.6%
Guilty 29.2%
781 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How do you pronounce the *ProZ* in (in English)?
By anonymous - featured on Feb 20, 2006
proze (rhyming with grows) 63.4%
pro-zee 10.9%
pro-zed 10.2%
Other (please comment) 10.0%
pro-zet 5.4%
1225 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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When do you do your best work?
By Lingua Port - featured on Feb 19, 2006
In the morning 45.3%
At night 21.0%
In the evening 18.0%
In the afternoon 15.6%
955 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Is specialising in one field a good strategy for achieving a high level of income?
By Fiona Grace Peterson - featured on Feb 17, 2006
Yes 49.4%
Don't know 25.4%
No 25.2%
1071 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Did you build your own translation services website?
By Fred Neild (X) - featured on Feb 16, 2006
I don't have a website 58.5%
Yes 30.7%
No, I hired a third party 10.8%
984 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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When translating, how often do you turn one sentence into two, or vice versa?
By anonymous - featured on Feb 16, 2006
Sometimes 58.5%
Rarely 24.3%
Often 15.4%
Never 1.8%
994 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How much do you invest (EUR/yr) in your translation business (hardware, software, marketing, etc.)?
By LATAM Agent - featured on Feb 15, 2006
1-1k 56.0%
1k-3k 29.3%
3k-5k 8.5%
5k-10k 3.6%
10k-20k 1.6%
20k+ 1.1%
943 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Which of the following do you find most effective?
By Leanne Evans - featured on Feb 14, 2006
Translating alone 67.8%
Translating in a pair 21.6%
Translating in a team 10.6%
1071 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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On average, how many cups of coffee do you drink per day?
By anonymous - featured on Feb 12, 2006
2-3 34.6%
none 25.6%
1 22.1%
4-5 11.4%
6+ 6.3%
949 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How often do you read's featured translation articles?
By Csaba Ban - featured on Feb 11, 2006
Only what I find interesting 72.7%
Never - I don't have time 10.1%
I search for articles in the knowledgebase 6.9%
Never - I didn't know they existed 4.9%
Never - I am not interested 4.4%
I read every one of them 1.1%
656 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How many professional translators do you know personally (offline)?
By Leanne Evans - featured on Feb 11, 2006
<5 39.0%
6-10 22.7%
11-20 13.0%
21-50 10.4%
none 9.9%
50+ 5.0%
1101 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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On the whole, are we as translators contributing to making the world better?
By Thomas Johansson - featured on Feb 10, 2006
Yes, we are 56.3%
We have no effect 23.7%
I don't know 17.5%
We are making things worse 2.5%
684 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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When quoting for projects that are posted (vs. ones that are not) do/would you cut your rates?
By Nikki Scott-Despaigne - featured on Feb 9, 2006
No 54.8%
Maybe 32.1%
Yes 13.1%
977 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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IOL/ATA/ITI members: has your membership helped you generate more work?
By Alexa Dubreuil - featured on Feb 8, 2006
No, it makes no difference 63.9%
Yes, slightly 21.1%
Yes, definitely 15.0%
487 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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For how many years have you been translating?
By anonymous - featured on Feb 7, 2006
6-10 26.3%
3-5 25.1%
11-15 15.5%
1-2 10.5%
16-20 7.6%
21-25 5.5%
<1 5.4%
26+ 4.1%
1268 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How many spam messages do you receive per day?
By Mihai Badea (X) - featured on Feb 6, 2006
1-5 37.9%
6-10 18.4%
11-20 14.6%
None 13.2%
21-50 10.2%
51-100 3.6%
100+ 2.2%
783 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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6106 polls, displaying 5851 through 5900