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Vestluse postitaja: Marion Schimmelpfennig
Marion Schimmelpfennig
Marion Schimmelpfennig  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:18
inglise - saksa
Good to have you back, Natalia Feb 1, 2005

No problem at all, Natalia - it's good to have you back!!!

1- As I had originally stated at the beginning of this thread, forming a non-protit organization here in France is relatively easy. You need your bylaws, 2 members, and you sign the form. Under law, all funds are tax-free.

By 'funds' do you also mean profits we make with the book sell? In Germany (and other countries, as far as I know) big earnings are not so easily tax-free. However, our German tax pro told me that there is a way and he can find it.

Of course we need a headquarters country, but for an international undertaking like this, it will be necessary to set up a individual branches in each country.

What's the explanation for branches in individual countries? Couldn't we simply collect the money in headquarters, decide where it should go and then wire the money to wherever in the world? This was more or less what the German tax adviser conveyed.

I'm willing to organize a French team, and lead projects from my side. Sign me up as board member too!


Once we have finished discussing, we need to get together the serious organizers and set out a strict game plan of goals we need to reach to get this thing off the ground. Once everything is established, we will have to set out a general schedule so that everyone stays informed.

I agree. I also believe that we now need to find a practical, efficient and fast way for discussing. Balaban is already thinking about it, and me too.

As I said before, I think the first step is establishing the headquarters....... and it looks like it's going to be in Germany!!!!!

Natalia - I don't really care where HQ is going to be As long as it serves our purpose best, it may also be on the moon!

[Edited at 2005-02-01 20:30]

Celia Hagerman
Celia Hagerman
Local time: 13:18
inglise - hispaania
+ ...
Individual branches and other information Feb 2, 2005

After yesterday's checking out information day, and also after reading Natalia's post, I just have a few commentaries to add:

Regarding the funds/profits issue:

1.- In Spain, the profits obtained by any commercial activity (i.e. selling the book) are tax free, as long as there is proof that such earnings have been re-invested or given back to the children (or to fullfil any other aim or goal of the association). Like I said yesterday, there is a lot of red-tape, we have
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After yesterday's checking out information day, and also after reading Natalia's post, I just have a few commentaries to add:

Regarding the funds/profits issue:

1.- In Spain, the profits obtained by any commercial activity (i.e. selling the book) are tax free, as long as there is proof that such earnings have been re-invested or given back to the children (or to fullfil any other aim or goal of the association). Like I said yesterday, there is a lot of red-tape, we have quite a few different taxes that apply to any kind of business, association, foundation, etc. So it is a must to first register legally any branch, (also to cover the backs of the founders, so they are not liable for any possible wrong-doing), and then apply for tax exemptions (at least for the Business Tax " and/or any local tax that may apply). The association would have to file VAT any way, but since the book will already have a VAT charge, it would come even. The income taxes is the part that is totally waved, if we prove that there was no personal or business gain, that all the profits were re-invested in fullfilling the main aim of the Association.
This just means that the accounting managament is a big part of the project.

Regarding the setting of a headquarters and the opening of branches in individual countries:

1.- Just like I said yesterday, I do not think that Spain is a good country to consider for opening the main headquarters of the association, there are a lot of requirements and the most complicated one is the one regarding citizenship of the board members... it is easy if the board members are Spanish and citizens of any EU country, but it is very complex if there are individuals from outside the EU, which would be the case here.

Now, it was made clear to me that in order to have any kind of operations in Spain, that is either gathering matterial from children, selling the book here, getting donations, or whatever else can came to mind, there has to be a branch of the main association open in the country. The branch will legally operate probably as "Translators4Kids España" or something like that (it just come to mind the "Red Cross España" example). The process to open the branch is pretty much the same as the main headquarters, but I will think that it would be easy to get at least 2 people to join a Spanish team, which is all that is needed in order to legally register.

I also want to applaud Natalia's impulse on the project by offering to create a French team, that is a great idea, in order to start defining roles and move on the right direction.
I would like to make a call for any Spanish translator that may be interested in participating on the starting of this project. I would be glad to help putting together a Spanish force as well.

Finally, I totally agree with the strategy of getting a faster and easier way of communicating between the people who seem to be a more active part of the project, so we can improve the exchange of information and start working together more closely.

María Emilia Meini
María Emilia Meini  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:18
inglise - hispaania
+ ...
I'm very willing to take part in this project !! Feb 3, 2005

Hello Marion! I've just came across this project, and I'm willing to help. I'm not a professional translator yet,I'm still studying to become one (hopefully this year I will get my diploma), but I'd really love to take part in this project.My languages are SpanishEnglish. (I'm Argentine)
Besides, I can offer my help also regarding the graphic design,illustrations etc. Actually, painting and drawing is my hobbie, and I've taken art lessons,so anything that requires creative graphic ideas, I
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Hello Marion! I've just came across this project, and I'm willing to help. I'm not a professional translator yet,I'm still studying to become one (hopefully this year I will get my diploma), but I'd really love to take part in this project.My languages are SpanishEnglish. (I'm Argentine)
Besides, I can offer my help also regarding the graphic design,illustrations etc. Actually, painting and drawing is my hobbie, and I've taken art lessons,so anything that requires creative graphic ideas, I'm willing to help with that too.
I've worked with kids,and I just also love this wonderful idea of helping them!!!
María Emilia

Sophie Raimondo
Sophie Raimondo  Identity Verified
Ameerika Ühendriigid
Local time: 10:18
inglise - prantsuse
+ ...
I'd like to participate... Feb 3, 2005

Hi! This is a great initiative, and I'd like to be of help. I have a small child, and also feel an urge to do "something" for children in general, not just my own.
I can definitely help with translating from English into French. I can also proofread.
I also have a background working for magazines, communication agencies and book publishers, mostly in France. I know this might be jumping ahead, but depending on how the books will actually be made and published, I might be able to hel
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Hi! This is a great initiative, and I'd like to be of help. I have a small child, and also feel an urge to do "something" for children in general, not just my own.
I can definitely help with translating from English into French. I can also proofread.
I also have a background working for magazines, communication agencies and book publishers, mostly in France. I know this might be jumping ahead, but depending on how the books will actually be made and published, I might be able to help.
For instance, my role, working for agencies and magazines, was often to create/adapt the layout and the text for a book or an article, many times in English and French when a version in each language was needed. I've done everything, which makes me a bit of a "mouton à 5 pattes" (5 legged lamb... sorry for not finding a more appropriate translation but I'm sure you get the idea), from writing, translating, cutting a text to fit it into a layout, creating a layout to go with a text, or acting as a coordinator for existing texts and layouts, as well as comparing edited versions in various languages for consistency.
So I was partly proofreader, partly assistant editor, partly graphic artist. While I'm not an actual "maquettiste" or "illustator, and am conscious of my technical limitations, I use QuarkXPress to design and layout my own postcards and some illustrated stories which I'm hoping to publish one day.
So, depending on how things are done, I could help. It's always cheaper to bring a ready file with text and images to the printer than to ask an agency to do that.
(That said, I do know one good agency in France that might be willing to help)
In fact, with the current technologies, it might be even thinkable to print the whole thing ourselves. (I did try that for the postcards... and they sell!).
So, it would make sense for the non-profit to have its own team for the actual manufacturing of the books, meaning all the artistic coordination, technical aspects and so on.
All that said, I'm not sure how/how much I could help exactly but why not try?
Let me know what you think...

[Edited at 2005-02-03 20:10]

[Edited at 2005-02-03 20:17]

Local time: 19:18
saksa - hollandi
+ ...
wonderful initiative Feb 4, 2005

I've just come across this initiative and I'd like to help. I am not sure what services to offer. At this point it is quite a bit of information to keep up with. I could help with translations English-Dutch, or German-Dutch. I suspect that there will be coordination needs at some point. I could help with that.

Heloísa Ferdinandt
Heloísa Ferdinandt  Identity Verified
Ameerika Ühendriigid
Local time: 11:18
inglise - portugali
+ ...
I hope it is not too late! Feb 5, 2005

I am available and would like to contribute as a board member and/or as a translator, proofreader and/or editor. I work with the language pairs: English>Pt-BR and Spanish>Pt-BR.

Like Sophieanne, I have a background working for magazines, newspapers, and publishers in Brazil. Thus, I might be able to help on the making of the book(s).

I could use my contacts to put the book and its idea in the Brazilian press. I am also willing to use my writer skills to compose press r
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I am available and would like to contribute as a board member and/or as a translator, proofreader and/or editor. I work with the language pairs: English>Pt-BR and Spanish>Pt-BR.

Like Sophieanne, I have a background working for magazines, newspapers, and publishers in Brazil. Thus, I might be able to help on the making of the book(s).

I could use my contacts to put the book and its idea in the Brazilian press. I am also willing to use my writer skills to compose press releases.

If there is anything else I could help/participate, do not hesitate to contact me.


Marion Schimmelpfennig
Marion Schimmelpfennig  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:18
inglise - saksa
Update on progress of Translators4kids Feb 9, 2005

The process of looking at all the legal and organizational angles and establishing an outline to what is needed is making good progress but takes some time to set up.

We will be posting a more detailed outline of all that has been going on behind the scenes soon.

Meanwhile, please be on the look-out for the upcoming opportunity to specify your talents and/or expertise!

Gabriela Nikolova
Gabriela Nikolova  Identity Verified
Makedoonia (FYROM)
Local time: 19:18
inglise - makedoonia
+ ...
Very interesting in helping with translation of the Project into Macedonian Feb 11, 2005

I really hope it's not too late, it would be my pleasure if I can help.

Francina  Identity Verified
Ameerika Ühendriigid
Local time: 13:18
hollandi - inglise
+ ...
Never too late to volunteer Feb 11, 2005

I really hope it's not too late, it would be my pleasure if I can help.

Thank you for volunteering, we love to add you to our database. We welcome volunteers at any time.

Marion Schimmelpfennig
Marion Schimmelpfennig  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:18
inglise - saksa
New volunteers: Download your personal questionnaire! Feb 11, 2005

Whether you would like to help simply with translating the children's writing or whether you want to be actively involved with planning and organization - your committment is welcome anytime.

Simply download the questionnaire: www.copywriting.de/Yourname_YourProZ-ID.doc, fil
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Whether you would like to help simply with translating the children's writing or whether you want to be actively involved with planning and organization - your committment is welcome anytime.

Simply download the questionnaire: www.copywriting.de/Yourname_YourProZ-ID.doc, fill it out, then send it back to me at [email protected]

A few enlightening notes:

- The questionnaire is comprehensive; this was done purposefully, enabling us to proceed more quickly and create the best possible teams.

- Please save the document under a new document name, using your ProZ.com profile name & number, for example: Schimmelpfennig_1550.doc . This is important as we will be able to ID your file once you send it back.

- Please do not change the formatting or structure of this file, i.e. do not add or delete columns or rows. Put your answer(s) only in the respective column and/or row. We plan to convert the data to a database. Changes to the format or structure would make this impossible.

Thank you!

Marion Schimmelpfennig
Marion Schimmelpfennig  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:18
inglise - saksa
Update on Translators4Kids Feb 14, 2005

Dear all,

I would like to update you on recent developments of Translators4Kids:

- close to 30 (!) questionnaires have come in as of today; that's a tremendous feedback rate of roughly 50 percent!!!

- Those data are now being added to our existing data base of volunteers so that they can be evaluated in detail (in order to form the best teams possible / to see what resources we have / to see what we lack etc)

- We will establish direct communic
... See more
Dear all,

I would like to update you on recent developments of Translators4Kids:

- close to 30 (!) questionnaires have come in as of today; that's a tremendous feedback rate of roughly 50 percent!!!

- Those data are now being added to our existing data base of volunteers so that they can be evaluated in detail (in order to form the best teams possible / to see what resources we have / to see what we lack etc)

- We will establish direct communication with the volunteers who have sent in their questionnaire

- We will now begin to form the teams

- The teamwork will take place via email lists as well as in a dedicated private forum on ProZ.com

- We have developed basic working guidelines

- We have developed a priority list in order to maintain focus and work efficiently: setting up the teams; legal set-up of HQ (France; additional associations to found in other countries); develop outline of project; find publisher annex partner

- We have developed basic ideas for organigram, project outline, logo etc

And of course: We will keep you informed!

Kind regards

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