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.PHP file translation: which CAT to use?
Vestluse postitaja: Comms
Comms  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:07
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Jun 11, 2008

Hi there, I have to translate a website and the web pages are all in PHP format, which can be embedded in HTML.

Can anyone tell me which CAT tool or special tool I can use to translate PHP files?

I tried:

SDLX (2007, SP2): doesn't recognize this format;
TagEditor(2007): can't open PHP file, but if I changed the extension from .php to .html, it can open the page, but it seems sth is missing.

It's the first time ever for me to work with .
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Hi there, I have to translate a website and the web pages are all in PHP format, which can be embedded in HTML.

Can anyone tell me which CAT tool or special tool I can use to translate PHP files?

I tried:

SDLX (2007, SP2): doesn't recognize this format;
TagEditor(2007): can't open PHP file, but if I changed the extension from .php to .html, it can open the page, but it seems sth is missing.

It's the first time ever for me to work with .php, look forward to receiving some professional advice from you guys!

Thanks a lot!

Vito Smolej
Vito Smolej
Local time: 16:07
Liige (2004)
inglise - sloveeni
+ ...
My hack Jun 11, 2008

This is probably far from correct, but a good first approximation: making everything external/Non-translatable except literals i.e. text to be localized.

I got by this way several times but I cant guarantee some complex code will not break this rule of thumb.

A good bet would be OmegaT ... Marc, what would you say?

[Edited at 2008-06-11 14:50]

Philippe Etienne
Philippe Etienne  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:07
inglise - prantsuse
TagEditor 2006 could open a php file Jun 11, 2008

I dragged a .php file from my website and dropped it on the open window of TagEditor and I seem to have a properly tagged file.
But it's an extremely simple file made with the Proz.com wizard.


[Edited at 2008-06-11 18:07]

Marc P (X)
Marc P (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:07
saksa - inglise
+ ...
".PHP file translation: which CAT to use? " Jun 11, 2008

Vito Smolej wrote:

A good bet would be OmegaT ... Marc, what would you say?

[Edited at 2008-06-11 14:50]

It can't hurt to try.


Angelica Perrini
Angelica Perrini  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:07
inglise - itaalia
+ ...
It seems that Deja Vu X can solve the problem Jun 11, 2008


as far as I know, Deja Vu X has a special filter (also applicable for javascript, .asp and a few other formats) enabling you to import .php files and export them back in .php format.

Have you tried this way already?


Local time: 15:07
inglise - norra
+ ...
Has anyone found a solution to this problem? Jun 30, 2009

We got an enquiry about translating PHP files the other day, and although we are not proceeding with the job it would be interesting to know for future reference which CAT tool we can use for this type of translations.

Thanks in advance,

Nina Brevik

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:07
Liige (2006)
inglise - afrikaani
+ ...
Simple answer: you can't Jun 30, 2009

Sue Orchard wrote:
Hi there, I have to translate a website and the web pages are all in PHP format, which can be embedded in HTML. ... Can anyone tell me which CAT tool or special tool I can use to translate PHP files?

I'm not aware of any CAT tool that can do it. The problem with PHP is that there is no single way to mark up the translatable content, so you always need to know a bit of PHP yourself and work on the source code yourself during translation.

If it is a big web site (with a "budget") you should ask the web designer to extract the translatable text for you to translate, so that he can import it back into his PHP code again. If it is a mom-and-pop web design firm, try to impress upon them the importance of writing easily extractable PHP, or of using language PHP files that contain basically only the translatable content.

Local time: 22:07
inglise - vietnami
Can do with any CATs if you extract the translatable text out. Jul 13, 2009

There are variety of .php language files. Just let me know some content in your php. I think I could help.

[Edited at 2009-07-13 06:31 GMT]

Daniel Grau
Daniel Grau  Identity Verified
Liige (2008)
inglise - hispaania
PrepTags, sold for € 39 Jul 13, 2009

Quoting from the PrepTags site ( http://www.your-translations.com/preptags.php ):

How do you translate HTML, PHP, XML, ASP, Javascript, SQL, PO,... and many other formats? This is a regular headache for translators and agencies alike. Ideally, a translator simply translates the text to be translated, without touching the code, using his favorite CAT software, like Wordfast, Trados, Deja Vu, MemoQ and others.

This is done through file preparation. The file is converted to RTF and the code is protected, so that CAT will recognize that it should not be translated. But how do you prepare files? This is where PrepTags comes in.



István Lengyel
István Lengyel
Local time: 16:07
inglise - ungari
+ ...
Preptags does the job Jul 13, 2009

I kept in touch with Sylvain and his beta tester Denis Hay throughout the development process of Preptags and I must say that it is really a handy tool - to my taste it is much better than the Word-embedded taggers like TortoiseTagger or Plustoyz. But coming from the MemoQ side of life, I think it's no wonder that I prefer standalone applications. Anyway, it's worth giving a try to Preptags - a good tool with an even better help.

sylver  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:07
inglise - prantsuse
Thanks Istvan! Jul 20, 2009

István Lengyel wrote:

I kept in touch with Sylvain and his beta tester Denis Hay throughout the development process of Preptags and I must say that it is really a handy tool - to my taste it is much better than the Word-embedded taggers like TortoiseTagger or Plustoyz. But coming from the MemoQ side of life, I think it's no wonder that I prefer standalone applications. Anyway, it's worth giving a try to Preptags - a good tool with an even better help.

Glad you like it. Your encouragements mean a lot.

sylver  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:07
inglise - prantsuse
PrepTags... Jul 20, 2009

Daniel Grau wrote:

Quoting from the PrepTags site ( http://www.your-translations.com/preptags.php ):

How do you translate HTML, PHP, XML, ASP, Javascript, SQL, PO,... and many other formats? This is a regular headache for translators and agencies alike. Ideally, a translator simply translates the text to be translated, without touching the code, using his favorite CAT software, like Wordfast, Trados, Deja Vu, MemoQ and others.

This is done through file preparation. The file is converted to RTF and the code is protected, so that CAT will recognize that it should not be translated. But how do you prepare files? This is where PrepTags comes in.



Thanks for the introduction, Daniel.

I just would like to add that there is a free "Lite" version. Works one file at a time and without advanced features, so of course I recommend the pro version, but if you are just scratching an itch on a small project, PrepTags Lite will do.

Feel free to contact me if you need help with PrepTags.

[Edited at 2009-07-21 02:23 GMT]

Laurent KRAULAND (X)
Laurent KRAULAND (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:07
prantsuse - saksa
+ ...
CatsCradle Jul 21, 2009

CatsCradle by Stormdance (http://www.stormdance.net) was specially conceived to handle HTML, PHP, ASP and XML files. It generates a TM in CSV format and costs about 45 €.


Laurent K.

[Edited at 2009-07-21 05:17 GMT]

Damian Harrison (X)
Damian Harrison (X)
Local time: 16:07
saksa - inglise
Php in MemoQ Jul 29, 2009

I have just done a test run by importing a php file to MemoQ, changing a few things and then exporting the altered document back to its folder within the website directory (it's a Joomla site). The page displayed fine, including all images. Php is not included on the list of compatible MemoQ source files - so was this just a lucky break?

With regard to CatsCradle - while it's easy to use, it does find seem to lack some useful functions such project folders for storing multiple files
... See more
I have just done a test run by importing a php file to MemoQ, changing a few things and then exporting the altered document back to its folder within the website directory (it's a Joomla site). The page displayed fine, including all images. Php is not included on the list of compatible MemoQ source files - so was this just a lucky break?

With regard to CatsCradle - while it's easy to use, it does find seem to lack some useful functions such project folders for storing multiple files. Or am I missing something Laurent?

Arben Seva
Arben Seva  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:07
Liige (2003)
inglise - albaania
+ ...
Deja Vu Sep 17, 2009

Deja Vu did the trick just fine with a PHP language file.

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.PHP file translation: which CAT to use?

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