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Poll: Do you reply to work-related emails and messages on weekends or holidays?
Vestluse postitaja: ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
May 8, 2023

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Do you reply to work-related emails and messages on weekends or holidays?".

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[Subject edited by staff or moderator 2023-05-09 12:51 GMT]

Lieven Malaise
Lieven Malaise
Local time: 11:20
Liige (2020)
prantsuse - hollandi
+ ...
I always... May 8, 2023

...reply when I'm on vacation, but not during the weekend. I normally switch off my computer on Friday evening, only to switch it back on on Monday morning. Unless I have work to do in the weekend, but it has been a few years now that I'm trying hard to avoid that (with success, I must say).

Michael Harris
Nicholas Laurier Eveneshen
Olga Fišnerová
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:20
Liige (2007)
inglise - portugali
+ ...
Yes, always May 8, 2023

I do check my email during the weekend. I must say though that my customers don't send emails on weekends but for a few exceptions over the years. Regarding holidays, I work straight through the year. I used to take a month-long vacation when my children were still at home, but those days are long gone and we haven’t spent vacations together for some time (trying to get 14 people agreeing on the same date and place is an almost impossible task…). Nowadays, I enjoy having one or two days off ... See more
I do check my email during the weekend. I must say though that my customers don't send emails on weekends but for a few exceptions over the years. Regarding holidays, I work straight through the year. I used to take a month-long vacation when my children were still at home, but those days are long gone and we haven’t spent vacations together for some time (trying to get 14 people agreeing on the same date and place is an almost impossible task…). Nowadays, I enjoy having one or two days off here and there between jobs. It all adds up probably to more than 4/5 weeks a year, but I’m not counting!Collapse

Philip Lees
Baran Keki
Baran Keki  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:20
inglise - türgi
Nature of the beast May 8, 2023

'Switch off' at your own peril... One of the shittiest aspects of this job is that it's a '24/7' job. I've recently got a direct client from USA (the 'Holy Grail'!) by replying to an email on a Saturday.
In my experience, it's mostly the Moldovan PMs of the so-called 'London agencies' that contact you on weekends for a 3000 word translation task to be delivered on Sunday morning at a cool 4 cents per word (they're being generous like that on weekends), so I give them a miss. But other tha
... See more
'Switch off' at your own peril... One of the shittiest aspects of this job is that it's a '24/7' job. I've recently got a direct client from USA (the 'Holy Grail'!) by replying to an email on a Saturday.
In my experience, it's mostly the Moldovan PMs of the so-called 'London agencies' that contact you on weekends for a 3000 word translation task to be delivered on Sunday morning at a cool 4 cents per word (they're being generous like that on weekends), so I give them a miss. But other than them, you never know what's in store for you...
In my 6 years of freelancing, I've never once attempted to go on a week long holiday and 'switch off'. Because I'm strictly a desktop person and I think it defeats the purpose of a holiday to bring along your laptop and do a bit of translating while you're meant to be getting away from it all. I just couldn't do that (and if you can't do that, then you're liable to lose clients or your privileged position, unless of course you're working with those 'boutique agencies' who can't do without you).
I miss the paid 4 week leaves and free weekends of my in-house job...

Eleanor Odhiambo
Eleanor Odhiambo  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:20
Liige (2020)
inglise - suahiili
+ ...
Yes, sometimes May 8, 2023

It depends on the holiday. I usually work throughout. However, I never check my email when I'm on vacation.

Liena Vijupe
Alex Lichanow
Alex Lichanow
Local time: 11:20
inglise - saksa
+ ...
. May 8, 2023

My existing customers know that I do not work weekends (unless I feel like it and/or have to for any reason), and most of them appear to enjoy their weekends themselves, so I hardly ever receive any actual emails on weekends, not counting some automated search agent updates.
As for holidays, I usually inform my customers about any public holidays coming up in the next month and set up an automatic response with my email provider. Also, my phone pushes my business emails, so when I see that
... See more
My existing customers know that I do not work weekends (unless I feel like it and/or have to for any reason), and most of them appear to enjoy their weekends themselves, so I hardly ever receive any actual emails on weekends, not counting some automated search agent updates.
As for holidays, I usually inform my customers about any public holidays coming up in the next month and set up an automatic response with my email provider. Also, my phone pushes my business emails, so when I see that an email is actually worth answering before the next business day, I will do so - at the end of the day, the minute of free time I lose by replying to an email is not worth nearly as much as a lucrative job on which I would miss out otherwise.

[Edited at 2023-05-08 11:58 GMT]

Christine Andersen
Liena Vijupe
Ventnai  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:20
saksa - inglise
+ ...
yes May 8, 2023

I'd say yes with the caveat that I rarely receive emails at the weekend. The last one was probably a few years ago. I reply straightaway as I may forget. I might delay the email being sent until 8 a.m. Monday. If it's a project from a regular client, I'll acknowledge receipt and set up the translation ready to start.

Judith Llopis
Local time: 11:20
hispaania - inglise
+ ...
Always May 8, 2023

Unless it is on one of those rare occasions when I'm actually on a "real" holiday.
For example, in June I will be away for a couple weeks and I probably won't respond personally to any work that comes in from clients. A couple of trusted colleagues will be standing in for me.

Christine Andersen
Christine Andersen  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:20
Liige (2003)
taani - inglise
+ ...
Sometimes May 8, 2023

My regular clients do not usually mail me at weekends, so any work-related mails that come are from new clients or occasional clients.
If I am working - because I take days off mid-week when it suits me - I often answer work-related mails, perhaps from occasional clients who send interesting jobs.

However, I reserve the right to keep weekends free, and if I feel a mail will keep until Monday, I may leave it! (E.g. job requests from agencies that I know pay low rates.)

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
As if May 8, 2023

Today is a bank holiday in the UK so I’m not answering polls either.

Dan Lucas
Baran Keki
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Kay Denney
Sergio Di Lorenzo
Sergio Di Lorenzo
Local time: 07:20
inglise - hispaania
+ ...
If I'm able May 8, 2023

I really don't have the luxury of missing a potential client. If a client calls during a weekend or holiday and I'm able, I'll asnwer the phonecall/email/whatsapp. What I don't do is work on weekends and holidays, so I'll try to "set" the start day during the week and if they want something done NOW then they'd better be ready to pay some absurd premium.

Tom in London
Tom in London
Local time: 10:20
Liige (2008)
itaalia - inglise
Different days in different countries May 8, 2023

I'm based in the UK but I work almost exclusively with Italian clients.

Italian national holidays are not the same as in the UK.

Today, for example, is a holiday in the UK but not in Italy so although the streets here in London are very quiet and most people are not at work, Italy is working a normal day, so I'm still getting emails and I'm working.

When it's a national holiday in Italy it usually isn't in the UK- so I dont get any emails from Italy (usual
... See more
I'm based in the UK but I work almost exclusively with Italian clients.

Italian national holidays are not the same as in the UK.

Today, for example, is a holiday in the UK but not in Italy so although the streets here in London are very quiet and most people are not at work, Italy is working a normal day, so I'm still getting emails and I'm working.

When it's a national holiday in Italy it usually isn't in the UK- so I dont get any emails from Italy (usually)

[Edited at 2023-05-08 21:01 GMT]

Philip Lees
Liena Vijupe
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Barbara Carrara
Barbara Carrara  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:20
Liige (2008)
inglise - itaalia
+ ...
?!? May 9, 2023


Baran Keki
Chris Says Bye
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Baran Keki
Baran Keki  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:20
inglise - türgi
Safety first! May 9, 2023

Barbara Carrara wrote:


It's a good practice not to reply to "Messgaes" or any 'Messages' that contain typos or spelling errors any day of the week (holiday or no holiday). I learned this in a cybersecurity training text that I translated some months ago. I probably shouldn't have revealed such an important piece information publicly out of sheer altruism and the goodness of me heart, but included it in my 'Safety for Translators in the Age of AI-Proof Localization' course which I aim to launch at a modest fee 900 EUR per session this July. The Super Early Bird registration fee is only 899 EUR and will be available between 30 June - 1 July, so hurry up people!
We'll teach you (and your grandmother) how to suck eggs like you've never had before! No prior knowledge of CAT tools or translation or indeed keyboard use is necessary. Come and learn how to localize people's names and addresses, communicate with ChatGPT and make effective use of Google Translate and MateCAT.

Tom in London
Barbara Carrara
Kay Denney
Liena Vijupe
Tom in London
Tom in London
Local time: 10:20
Liige (2008)
itaalia - inglise
Sign me up May 9, 2023

Baran Keki wrote:

.... my 'Safety for Translators in the Age of AI-Proof Localization' course which I aim to launch at a modest fee 900 EUR per session this July. The Super Early Bird registration fee is only 899 EUR and will be available between 30 June - 1 July, so hurry up people!

Unfortunately this may not be a joke.

Baran Keki
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Poll: Do you reply to work-related emails and messages on weekends or holidays?

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