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Search results: (10 matches)
Business issues Translation test... in order to qualify for yet another test ?!?!? Tests have their value but don't always lead to work... Hi Neil, I have taken lots of unpaid tests in
the past and still do occasionally if the agency
seem sound (based on Blue Board, their attitude
and professionalism in the their emails, e
Dan Bradley Jun 22, 2011
Getting established CV for Translator/Interpreter Use Directory to find Examples, Write CV in Source and Target Languages Hi Ewelina, Welcome to ProZ! When I joined
and started to really work on a Translator's CV
(which has a different format and focus from a
regular CV) I used the Jobs & Directories ta
Dan Bradley Mar 10, 2011
Translation Theory and Practice Focusing on your work Kitchen timers and Pushups Hey John, I have a few things that keep me on
track. 1 - Every evening I write a bullet point
list of things to do for the next day, putting the
most important things to do in the mo
Dan Bradley Dec 17, 2010
Powwows Powwow: Cardiff - United Kingdom Can't see the menu Hi Trini, Thanks for organising this! I
followed the link but was unable to see anything.
The page seems to be a dead end. What are the main
dishes? have a great week, Dan
Dan Bradley Nov 23, 2010
Marketing for language professionals Rookie trouble: getting my profile right Don't panic Hi Mathieu, You mentioned you are nervous
because you sent out 6 job applications but didn't
get any replies. I read an article recommending
that new translators should aim to send out<
Dan Bradley Jun 9, 2010
Off topic cheap accommodation in London Hostelworld? I know friends who have had very good (and free)
experiences with couch surfing in cities around
the UK and Europe. I have also used the
Hostelworld website for places in London several
Dan Bradley Jun 5, 2010
Professional development From teaching english to translation and interpretation. How to get there. Get involved! Hi, Firstly, welcome to Proz! I also
recently transferred careers from 3 years teaching
English in Japan to translation so I understand
your concerns. I agree that it is importa
Dan Bradley Jun 3, 2010
Business issues Which languages are the most promising ones? Asian languages are worth the investment (and they are not that hard) If you are interested and excited about learning
Chinese, I would say go for that. Learning a
language is a huge commitment of time and
resources so if you aren't loving what you are
Dan Bradley May 10, 2010
Being independent Why do you work on a Sunday? Everyday is like Sunday... I lived in Japan for several years where it wasn't
uncommon to work weekends. At first it felt very
odd to be in the office on a Saturday but over
time I gradually let go of the culturall
Dan Bradley Apr 12, 2010
Powwows Powwow: Cardiff - United Kingdom Hooray for Christmas My menu choices are Starter - Antipasto
Zizzi Main - Quattro Stagioni Pizza Dessert
- Tiramasu see you there, Dan
Dan Bradley Dec 2, 2009

Translation industry discussion forums

Open discussion on topics related to translation, interpreting and localization

Manage your TMs and Terms ... and boost your translation business

Are you ready for something fresh in the industry? TM-Town is a unique new site for you -- the freelance translator -- to store, manage and share translation memories (TMs) and glossaries...and potentially meet new clients on the basis of your prior work.

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Anycount & Translation Office 3000
Translation Office 3000

Translation Office 3000 is an advanced accounting tool for freelance translators and small agencies. TO3000 easily and seamlessly integrates with the business life of professional freelance translators.

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