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Milyen fordítási projekten dolgozol ebben a pillanatban?

Alla_K a ProZ.com oldalról megosztotta:

translating an ICF


I Do That

Alla_K a ProZ.com oldalról megosztotta:

Just finished editing a pharmaceutical patent for an intellectual property company.


I Do That

Alla_K a ProZ.com oldalról megosztotta:

World Health Organization (WHO) paid me for the recent medical translation I did for them.


I Do That

Alla_K a ProZ.com oldalról megosztotta:

Just finished to translate a few medical questionnaires for clinical trials.


I Do That

Alla_K a ProZ.com oldalról megosztotta:

Based on my keyword research, I am writing 36 advertising texts in English for various products. The ads are intended for a campaign on Kijiji for Canadian market.


I Do That

Alla_K a ProZ.com oldalról megosztotta:

Finished a small subtitle translation: video on science popularization.


I Do That

Alla_K a ProZ.com oldalról megosztotta:

Just finished translating Summary of Product Characteristics from English to Russian, about 10,000 words for a translation agency.


I Do That

Alla_K a ProZ.com oldalról megosztotta:

Writing a series of SEO-optimized advertising texts in English, about 5000 words. The topic: gardening and home improvement products.


I Do That

Alla_K a ProZ.com oldalról megosztotta:

Just finished editing Clinical Trial Protocol Synopsis, English to Ukrainian about 4,000 words. Trados Group Share sucks :(


I Do That

Alla_K a ProZ.com oldalról megosztotta:

Clinical trial protocol 9500 words En-Uk


I Do That

Alla_K a ProZ.com oldalról megosztotta:

Pesticide documentation, 12500 words, editing UK-EN. For future references, I have been creating a great trilingual (Ukrainian, Latin & English) glossary of plant pests & diseases.


I Do That

Alla_K a ProZ.com oldalról megosztotta:

Writing a marketing text for a website, 600 words, English.


I Do That

válaszolt a TM-Town oldalról 02:29 Apr 4, 2017: órakor

👍 I believe marketing is the hardest field. Good job!

Alla_K a ProZ.com oldalról megosztotta:

User's Interface of e-diaries for Clinical trials, 4500 words, editing


I Do That

Alla_K a ProZ.com oldalról megosztotta:

Misc. documents on clinical trials, 20,000 words, editing English-Ukrainian.


I Do That

Alla_K a ProZ.com oldalról megosztotta:

Computer program interface (for clinical trials), English to Ukrainian, editing, 4000 words.


I Do That

Alla_K a ProZ.com oldalról megosztotta:

Import-Export Agreement

Exw,Insurance,intellectual property,force majeure,Incoterms


I Do That

  • ukrán - angol
  • 1520 szó
  • Юриспруденция: Контракты
  • MemoQ
Alla_K a ProZ.com oldalról megosztotta:

A clinical trial protocol.


I Do That

Alla_K a ProZ.com oldalról megosztotta:

A business plan for an agri firm.


I Do That

Alla_K a ProZ.com oldalról megosztotta:

Editing Summary of Product Characteristics for a pharmaceutical company


I Do That