inglise - eesti
saksa - eesti
rumeenia - eesti

Irma Baloi
Engineering, environment, marketing

Local time: 05:02 EET (GMT+2)

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Teenused Translation, Editing/proofreading, Transcription
Energia / Elektri tootmineMeditsiin: Instrumendid
Keskkond & ÖkoloogiaEhitamine / Tsiviilehitus
Teadus (üldine)Reklaam / Suhtekorraldus
Turundus / Turu-uuringudInimressursid
Meditsiin: TervishoidTransport / Veondus / Laevavedu


Tegevus KudoZ'is (PRO) PRO (professionaalse) taseme punktid: 7, Vastatud küsimused: 4
Payment methods accepted PayPal, Wire transfer
Tööde näidised Esitatud tõlkenäidised: 1
Tõlkealane haridus Master's degree - Timisoara West University
Kogemus Tõlkekogemus aastates: 17. ProZ.com'is registreerunud: Sep 2010.
ProZ.com Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Kvalifikatsioon saksa - eesti (Goethe-Institut, level C1 certificate)
Liikmelisus N/A
Tarkvara Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Frontpage, Idiom, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Trados Studio
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Professionaalsed tavad Irma Baloi kiidab heaks ProZ.com's professionaalsed suunised (v1.1).
From 2007 I've been working as a translator for a road design company. Most of the texts are from the following fields: road design, road facilities (bridges, tunnels etc), geology, utility networks, environment, economy.

From 2011 I'm a self employed translator specializing on technical translations, environmental issues and marketing texts. I'm passionate about translating in a way that the text would sound Estonian, as if it was originally written in this language. I pay great attention to detail and to using the correct terminology, which saves the client a lot of time on post editing. I also have a lot of firsthand contacts in the technical and environmental field, so it's often possible to get expert information about which term is actually used in any specific context.
Võtmesõnad: English to Estonian, German to Estonian, Romanian to Estonian, technical translations, environmental translations, tõlked, marketing translations, webpage translations, road design, bridges. See more.English to Estonian, German to Estonian, Romanian to Estonian, technical translations, environmental translations, tõlked, marketing translations, webpage translations, road design, bridges, environment, natural sciences, construction chemicals, survey translations, employee surveys. See less.

Profile last updated
Jul 1, 2021

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