Freelance translators » inglise - poola » Meditsiin » Meditsiin: Hambaravi » Page 1

Below is a list of inglise - poola freelance translators specializing in translations in the Meditsiin: Meditsiin: Hambaravi field. For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

39 results (paying members)

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

Aleksandra Kloc Raspini
Aleksandra Kloc Raspini
Native in poola (Variant: Standard-Poland) Native in poola
italiano al polacco, madrelingua polacca, polacco, English to Polish, Polish native speaker, Italian
Abdallah Mefire
Abdallah Mefire
Native in inglise Native in inglise, prantsuse Native in prantsuse, saksa Native in saksa, hollandi Native in hollandi
english, french, translation, traduction, anglais, français
Agnieszka Zieba-Kobialka
Agnieszka Zieba-Kobialka
Native in poola (Variant: Standard-Poland) Native in poola
tłumaczenia medyczne, tłumaczenia biologiczne, tłumaczenia farmaceutyczne, tłumaczenia naukowe, medical translation, pharmaceutical translation, scientific articles, clinical trial documentation, badania kliniczne, ulotki leków, ...
wordsystem Inc
wordsystem Inc
Native in inglise (Variant: French) Native in inglise
Joanna Jaszczerska
Joanna Jaszczerska
Native in poola Native in poola
health care, psychology, medicine, social sciences, general, education, social services, law, Polish court registered interpreter, general business, ...
Malgorzata Kurowska
Malgorzata Kurowska
Native in poola Native in poola
automotive, automobile, cars, kfz, gabelstapler, fork-lifts, engineering, technology, it, software, ...
Stanislaw Semczuk
Stanislaw Semczuk
Native in inglise Native in inglise, poola Native in poola
property, law, software, accounting, finance
Ashraf Al Saad
Ashraf Al Saad
Native in araabia Native in araabia
Armenian, Azeri, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Byelorussian, Catalan, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Croatian, Czech, ...
Piotr Ksiazek
Piotr Ksiazek
Native in poola Native in poola
technische, technical, law, legal, finance, business, economy,
Pawel Gromek
Pawel Gromek
Native in inglise Native in inglise, poola Native in poola, polish translations, polish translator, polish translations, polish, english, pc, html, website, proofreading, ...
Razut Karol Dobryniewski
Razut Karol Dobryniewski
Native in poola Native in poola, inglise Native in inglise
technical translation, technical translator, polish technical translator, technical translator polish, polish english technical translator, cnc, controller, CAD/CAM, heavy industry, Patents, ...
Daniela Nisi
Daniela Nisi
Native in itaalia Native in itaalia, prantsuse Native in prantsuse
french, lithuanian, estonian, latvian, english, translation, localization, spanish, translation
Native in inglise Native in inglise, poola Native in poola
work ethic, conscientious, fastidious, meticulous, painstaking, thorough, arts, theatre, belles lettres.
Michal Szczygiel
Michal Szczygiel
Native in poola Native in poola
Polish, English, German, translation, translating, translator, translate, linguist, proofreading, proofreader, ...
Larisa Zlatic, Ph.D.
Larisa Zlatic, Ph.D.
Native in serbia (Variant: serbian) Native in serbia
Clinical trials documentation, inform consent, crf, medicine, medical devices, pharmacy, chemistry, environment, ecology, patients outcome questionnaires, ...
Witold Walecki
Witold Walecki
Native in inglise Native in inglise, poola Native in poola, saksa Native in saksa, ukraina Native in ukraina
Jakub Hnidec
Jakub Hnidec
Native in poola Native in poola
english, polish, computers, technology, VMS, software, technical, IT, traffic, safety, ...
Mariusz Jagodziński
Mariusz Jagodziński
Native in poola Native in poola
polish video game translator, pl video game translator, polish video games translator, pl video games translator, polish translator, pl translator, transcreation, transcreating, games, strategies, ...
Maria Ortwein
Maria Ortwein
Native in saksa Native in saksa
polish, law, contract, contracts, german, spanish, medicine, literature, mexico, poland, ...
Hubert Maciejewicz
Hubert Maciejewicz
Native in poola (Variant: Standard-Poland) Native in poola
english, polish, computers, it, technology, religion, christianity

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Translators, like interpreters, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. Translators work with written text, as opposed to spoken word.

Translating involves much more than simple word-for-word conversion from one language to another. Translators must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any text they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

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