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Poll: Has the war in Ukraine affected your work? Vestluse postitaja: ProZ.com Staff
This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Has the war in Ukraine affected your work?".
This poll was originally submitted by Carla Lopes. View the poll results »
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Lieven Malaise Belgia Local time: 09:58 Liige (2020) prantsuse - hollandi + ... No, but yes? | Feb 26, 2024 |
I answered with "No", but I was possibly too fast. The economy is affected by it, so translation work probably also. But if that means that I'm personally affected? I don't know.
The translators and people in general in Ukraine are affected, that's for sure. My heart is with them. | | |
I’m not sure. Since the war started two years ago, I've had a few slow months, but I’m not sure why: is it the economic shock of war? | | |
Zea_Mays Itaalia Local time: 09:58 Liige (2009) inglise - saksa + ...
The war led to a huge increase of energy costs, which led to inflation because of increasing prices of goods which led to people buying less products which led to firms to find ways to save money that included not immediately needed translations...... But most of all, inflation means higher costs, so even if you have the same work volume than before, you are actually earning less because of higher costs and would need to work more in order to compensate this.
Germany is in recession for th... See more The war led to a huge increase of energy costs, which led to inflation because of increasing prices of goods which led to people buying less products which led to firms to find ways to save money that included not immediately needed translations...... But most of all, inflation means higher costs, so even if you have the same work volume than before, you are actually earning less because of higher costs and would need to work more in order to compensate this.
Germany is in recession for this reason.
[Bearbeitet am 2024-02-26 09:11 GMT] ▲ Collapse | |
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Post removed: This post was hidden by a moderator or staff member because it was not in line with site rule |
Post removed: This post was hidden by a moderator or staff member because it was not in line with site rule |
Samuel Murray Madalmaad Local time: 09:58 Liige (2006) inglise - afrikaani + ...
Yes, my three Russian clients are now getting free work from me because they can't pay me. It's a goodwill investment in the future. | |
Zea_Mays Itaalia Local time: 09:58 Liige (2009) inglise - saksa + ... poll would need differentiation | Feb 26, 2024 |
The effects of the aggression hit mainly Europe, so the responses to the survey should have been at least somewhat differentiated by geographic area to reflect that situation.
Or are the many "no" coming from Europe? That would be very strange.
[Bearbeitet am 2024-02-26 14:18 GMT] | | |
In a few different ways:
- It caused a lot of frustration and anger in me, which has led me to spend a lot of time following the news, instead of focusing on my work. For some time I was considering to leave everything and go and volunteer for Ukraine.
- I have systematically rejected several offers from Russian agencies, telling them that they cannot expect any form of collaboration as long as their country keeps on behaving like this.
- I have decided to reject any further co... See more In a few different ways:
- It caused a lot of frustration and anger in me, which has led me to spend a lot of time following the news, instead of focusing on my work. For some time I was considering to leave everything and go and volunteer for Ukraine.
- I have systematically rejected several offers from Russian agencies, telling them that they cannot expect any form of collaboration as long as their country keeps on behaving like this.
- I have decided to reject any further collaboration with anything Russian until the end of the war plus another 15 years.
- I used to have a lot of respect for Russian literature and thought and was interested in the language, but the war has had a profound impact on that interest and my overall feelings about Russian culture.
[Edited at 2024-02-26 14:55 GMT] ▲ Collapse | | |
I am from Ukraine and it affected my entire life. I stopped doing any translations to Russian language even for the clients who are not from Russia (though I am bilingual, and it was my second native language). I still have enough work, and I try to work as always, adhering to all deadlines, despite all the missiles which are sometimes flying and even exploding above my head (literally), the problems with light (especially last winter) and all the anxiety.
[Edited at 2024-02-26 15:26 GMT] | | |
ipv Local time: 09:58 Liige (2015) inglise - horvaadi + ...
[Edited at 2024-02-26 15:26 GMT] | |
ipv Local time: 09:58 Liige (2015) inglise - horvaadi + ...
Thomas Johansson wrote:
In a few different ways:
- It caused a lot of frustration and anger in me, which has led me to spend a lot of time following the news, instead of focusing on my work. For some time I was considering to leave everything and go and volunteer for Ukraine.
- I have systematically rejected several offers from Russian agencies, telling them that they cannot expect any form of collaboration as long as their country keeps on behaving like this.
- I have decided to reject any further collaboration with anything Russian until the end of the war plus another 15 years.
- I used to have a lot of respect for Russian literature and thought and was interested in the language, but the war has had a profound impact on that interest and my overall feelings about Russian culture.
[Edited at 2024-02-26 14:55 GMT]
![6y9qe0](https://res.cloudinary.com/proz/image/upload/v1708961450/ghpy4pl4os9ejkt1e3is.jpg) | | |
Tom in London Suurbritannia Local time: 08:58 Liige (2008) itaalia - inglise
Yes. I'm making a lot of money translating the instructions for these:
Each one costs £20,000 and you can only use them once.
Money money money money money
The Chair of the Thales UK Advisory Board is Lord Arbuthnot. We were chums at Eton.
[Edited at 2024-02-26 15:35 GMT] | | |
Literature, culture, and conflicts | Feb 26, 2024 |
What is happening is concerning, but I do not believe it should lead to a loss of respect for Russian literature and culture.
Literature and culture deserve to be appreciated separately from political actions. Russia, in particular, has a complex and tumultuous history that has left a profound impact on its literature, and by appreciating its literature we gain insights into its culture as a whole.
[Editado a las 2024-02-26 16:09 GMT] | | |
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