inglise - eesti
saksa - eesti
soome - eesti

Professional translations

Elva, Eesti
Local time: 19:28 EET (GMT+2)

Emakeeleks on: eesti Native in eesti
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Tagasisidet pole kogutud
Konto tüüp Translation agency/company employee or owner
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Blue Board affiliation:
Teenused Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Software localization, Project management, Vendor management
Ühiskonnateadused, sotsioloogia, eetika jne.Valitsus / Poliitika
Meditsiin (üldine)IT (infotehnoloogia)
MajandusteadusÕigus: Leping(ud)
Ettevõtlus / Kaubandus (üldine)Bioloogia (biotehnoloogia, biokeemia, mikrobioloogia)
Reklaam / SuhtekorraldusInseneriteadus (üldine)

saksa - eesti - Standardhind: 0.10 - EUR sõna kohta/ 30 EUR tunni eest
soome - eesti - Standardhind: 0.10 - EUR sõna kohta/ 30 EUR tunni eest
itaalia - eesti - Standardhind: 0.10 - EUR sõna kohta/ 30 EUR tunni eest
inglise - vene - Standardhind: 0.10 - EUR sõna kohta/ 30 EUR tunni eest
inglise - saksa - Standardhind: 0.10 - EUR sõna kohta/ 30 EUR tunni eest

All accepted currencies Euro (eur)
Tööde näidised Esitatud tõlkenäidised: 2
Kogemus Tõlkekogemus aastates: 6. ProZ.com'is registreerunud: Oct 2007.
ProZ.com Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Kvalifikatsioon inglise - eesti (University of Tartu)
Liikmelisus N/A
Tarkvara Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, ABBYY Fine Reader, AcroPDF, Microsoft Publisher, Powerpoint, SDLX, Trados Studio, Wordfast
Veebisait http://www.elingor.ee
CV/Resume CV/Resume (DOC)
The aim of our translation company is to be a reliable and flexible partner to our clients, offering qualified services for competitive prices.

We cooperate with professional and experienced translators, revisers and proof-readers both in Estonia and abroad. In addition to excellent language skills, lots of our translators have a degree in medicine, biology, economics, law etc. This allows us to provide terminologically accurate translations by assigning the right professional to each translation project. We take pride in cooperating with numerous experts from the University of Tartu, one of the leading educational and research institutions in the Baltic States. In addition, several of our translators have worked for or done a traineeship in the European Commission and the European Parliament, gathering valuable translation experience in many topical fields.

We use the so-called "four eyes" approach, which means that our translation services include revision/proofreading.
Võtmesõnad: into Estonian, from Estonian, flexible, cooperation with experts, "four eyes" approach, CAT tools, EU documents, law, medicine, economics. See more.into Estonian,from Estonian,flexible,cooperation with experts,"four eyes" approach,CAT tools,EU documents,law,medicine,economics,transcreation,natural sciences,social sciences,IT,user manuals,contracts,media . See less.

Profile last updated
Oct 10, 2012

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