Translation glossary: Agriculture

Showing entries 51-100 of 102
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Le bl�corn 
French to English
Le foinhay 
French to English
Le fourragefodder 
French to English
Le fromentwheat 
French to English
Le hangarshed 
French to English
Le labourploughing 
French to English
Le labourerploughman 
French to English
Le ma�smaize 
French to English
Le maraîchermarket-gardener 
French to English
Le pr�field 
French to English
Le seiglerye 
French to English
Le veaucalf 
French to English
Les céréalesgrain crops 
French to English
Les ol�agineuxoil-seed plants 
French to English
Les semaillessowing 
French to English
Linha de MãoFishing line 
Portuguese to English
French to English
French to English
French to English
French to English
L�ouvrier/le valet de fermelabourer 
French to English
Portuguese to English
Manejo e conserva��o de solo e �guasoil and water management and conservation 
Portuguese to English
Mec�nica agr�colaagricultural mechanics 
Portuguese to English
Meteorologia agr�colaagricultural meteorology 
Portuguese to English
Moisture contentteor de humidade 
English to Portuguese
Morfologia e classifica��o de solomorphology & soil classification 
Portuguese to English
mostogrape must 
Portuguese to English
na bocaon the palate 
Portuguese to English
Portuguese to English
One lidfuluma tampa cheia 
English to Portuguese
para manter o máximo de aromasfor maximum aroma retention 
Portuguese to English
Portuguese to English
Pescadores EventuaisVisiting Fishermen 
Portuguese to English
Pescadores PermanentesFull-time Fishermen 
Portuguese to English
pisa automáticaautomatic crushing 
Portuguese to English
Plastic-protected surfacesuperf�cie protegida por pl�stico 
English to Portuguese
Pragas principais culturaismain crop pests 
Portuguese to English
Química do solosoil chemistry 
Portuguese to English
Portuguese to English
Shelled maizemilho descascado 
English to Portuguese
Sistemática vegetalvegetable systems 
Portuguese to English
TarrafaCasting-net or Sweep-net 
Portuguese to English
The most effective grain pest eliminatorPara a Mais Efectiva Elimina��o de Pragas de Gr�os de Cereais 
English to Portuguese
Tipo de ArteType of Fishing 
Portuguese to English
Tipo de BarcoType of Boat 
Portuguese to English
tonéis de carvalhooak casks 
Portuguese to English
uma particularidade deste vinhoa distinguishing feature of this wine 
Portuguese to English
Used against ants and cockroachescontrole de formigas e baratas 
English to Portuguese
veld managementgestão da pradaria 
English to Portuguese
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