Translation Glossaries from the Web

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English-Spanish glossary of gastronomy terms & definitions for cooking methods, international foods and menues, fruits, vegetables, seafood, fish, types of berries, herbs, seasoning and condiments.

Bahasa Inggeris
Bahasa Sepanyol

133 local resources 4 externally linked databases 2 650 976 terms 710 705 entries 221 512 definitions 33 languages; Resources :; IATE (= “Inter-Active Terminology for Europe”); OSTEN The Open Dictionary of Scientific Terminology of the Agricultural Academy in Szczecin; MoBiDic. Subjects: politics, internat... View more

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Many languages

Very useful translations of commercial fish names; good for translating restaurant menues for example

translation of hundreds of fish names into different languages

H. R. Marketer

© 2012 HRmarketer. All rights reserved. HRmarketer and Fisher Vista are registered trademarks. |

"HRmarketer is the no. 1 marketing software and services firm for companies selling to human resources and other key influencers including IT, Finance, Operations and Procurement."

Bahasa Inggeris (Monolingual)

Scientific and commercial names for fishes in European Portuguese by the Agriculture Ministry

Bahasa Latin
Bahasa Portugis

A list of fish with names in English, Spanish, Dutch, French, German and Italian.

Bahasa Belanda
Bahasa Inggeris
Bahasa Perancis
Bahasa Jerman
Bahasa Itali
Bahasa Sepanyol
Bahasa Belanda
Bahasa Inggeris
Bahasa Perancis
Bahasa Jerman
Bahasa Itali
Bahasa Sepanyol

Monkfish あんこう Orange Roughy オレンジ・ラッフィー(白身魚) Pollock 鱈 タラ Sablefish 銀鱈 ギンダラ Sardine 鰯 いわし Sea Bass すずき Smelt わかさぎに似た魚 Ocean Smelt きゅうり魚(北海道) Columbia River Smelt 日本名はなし Sole 舌びらめ Spanish Mackerel 鰆 さわら Sturgeon チョウザメ Swordfish めかじき/かじき Turbot かれい/ひらめ 車えび Tiger Prawn しじみ Freshwater Clam  ずわい蟹 Snow crab/Spider crab ... View more

Bahasa Jepun
Bahasa Inggeris

List of fish common in Greek and Mediterranean waters with their English, Latin and Greek names, including pictures of each species.

Bahasa Greek
Bahasa Inggeris

Bază de date conţinând un număr mare de denumiri populare de peşti, în limba română, cu denumirea ştiinţifică a speciei.

Bahasa Romania (Monolingual)

The glossary of aquaculture is a multidisciplinary and multilingual glossary containing more than 2 900 terms, defininitions, related terms, synonyms and images used in the aquaculture sector. The primary objectives of this glossary are 1. to serve as a reference to fish farmers, consultants, administrators, policy makers, developers, engine... View more

Bahasa Arab
Bahasa Cina
Bahasa Inggeris
Bahasa Perancis
Bahasa Sepanyol
Bahasa Arab
Bahasa Cina
Bahasa Inggeris
Bahasa Perancis
Bahasa Sepanyol

A listán 429 féle hal neve megtalálható magyarul, angolul és a tudományos nevén.

Includes Hungarian, Latin, and English names of 429 fish species. Search possible in all directions using the Ctrl+F key combination.

Bahasa Inggeris
Bahasa Hungary
Bahasa Latin
Bahasa Inggeris
Bahasa Hungary
Bahasa Latin

English-English carp fishing terms

Bahasa Inggeris (Monolingual)

The UPDATED list of over 200 definitions on terms used by coarse anglers.

Bahasa Inggeris (Monolingual)

Include lots of technical dictionaries like Construction Finance - Banking Forestry Environment Machinery ST&T Translation Chemical Technology Accounting and Auditing Commerce Law Agriculture - Fishery Electricity - Hydropower Common use Securities

Bahasa Inggeris
Bahasa Vietnam
Bahasa Inggeris
Bahasa Vietnam


Froese, R. and D. Pauly. Editors. |

A multilingual data base for fish species, very useful

Bahasa Inggeris
Bahasa Cina
Bahasa Belanda
Bahasa Perancis
Bahasa Itali
Bahasa Portugis
Bahasa Sepanyol

FINNISH DISHES Suomalaisia ruokalajeja Various regional dishes with dialectal names are omitted, unless they are known or consumed throughout Finland. These pages are maintained only as a part-time hobby. The author is not a trained translator nor a specialist in any types of food or cooking related matters.

Bahasa Finland
Bahasa Inggeris

# Beverages # Bread, pâtisserie and sweets # Cooking terms and equipment # Fish, crustaceans and mollusks # Fruit and berries # Meat and game # Milk products, fats and oils # Nuts, grains and seeds # Spices, herbs and condiments # Vegetables, legumes and mushrooms These pages are maintained only as a part-time hobby. The author is not a ... View more

Bahasa Inggeris
Bahasa Finland

* Beverages * Bread and bakery products * Dairy products, fats and oils * Fish and shellfish * Fruit and berries * Grain products, flours, nuts and seeds * Meat, poultry and game * Spices, herbs and condiments * Vegetables and mushrooms These pages are maintained only as a part-time hobby. The author i... View more

Bahasa Inggeris (Monolingual)

* Beverages * Bread and bakery products * Dairy products, fats and oils * Fish and shellfish * Fruit and berries * Grain products, flours, nuts and seeds * Meat, poultry and game * Spices, herbs and condiments * Vegetables and mushrooms These pages are maintained only as a part-time hobby. The author i... View more

Bahasa Denmark
Bahasa Inggeris
Bahasa Finland
Bahasa Iceland
Bahasa Norway
Bahasa Rusia
Bahasa Sweden
Bahasa Denmark
Bahasa Inggeris
Bahasa Finland
Bahasa Iceland
Bahasa Norway
Bahasa Rusia
Bahasa Sweden

Definitions of some terms related to the fields of marine biology and fishery biology.

Priority is given to the translation of terms from English into Turkish with brief explanations. English terms are followed by Turkish equivalents so far present

A draft of this work is presented on April 2006 for an internal review in the institut... View more

Bahasa Inggeris
Bahasa Turki

7 languages glossary of all the fish species mentioned in a famous Neapolitan Tarantella. The author sais "...ho letto nella sua Home page la famosissima canzone napoletana “O’ Guarracino” con la traduzione e lo studio in italiano di Scognamiglio Gioacchino. Sono un ex ristoratore che gli piace mangiare del pesce fresco. Se vuoi mangiare del pesce ... View more

Bahasa Itali
Bahasa Inggeris
Bahasa Perancis
Bahasa Jerman
Bahasa Itali
Bahasa Latin

glosario de especies de peces en varios idiomas y nombre cientifico

Bahasa Sepanyol
Bahasa Inggeris
Bahasa Perancis
Bahasa Latin
Bahasa Portugis

PDF glossary from the General Direction of Fisheries and Aquiculture, Portugal, presenting Latin names, FAO codes and English, French and Spanish names of fish and other creatures living in water.

Bahasa Inggeris
Bahasa Perancis
Bahasa Latin
Bahasa Sepanyol
Bahasa Inggeris
Bahasa Perancis
Bahasa Latin
Bahasa Sepanyol

This glossary contains words and expressions that you may encounter when you go shopping for food. It is based on real life experience which is why some translations are different from what you might find in (some) dictionaries. For example: all dictionaries that I have seen translates the French chantarelle to the Swedish kantarell, which you can ... View more

Bahasa Inggeris
Bahasa Perancis
Bahasa Sweden
Bahasa Inggeris
Bahasa Perancis
Bahasa Sweden

fish names in many languages, including Latin

Many languages

GEMET Thesaurus

European Environment Information and Observation Network (EIONET) |

Thematic glossary in most European languages & Russian - many fields: administration; legislation; agriculture ; materials; air; military aspects; animal husbandry; natural areas; landscape; ecosystems; biology; natural dynamics; building; noise, vibrations; chemistry; physics; climate; pollution; disasters, accidents, risk; radiations; economic... View more

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Many languages


Froese, R. and D. Pauly. Editors. 2006 |

FishBase (29300 Species, 216800 Common names, 41300 Pictures, 37900 References)

Many languages

Liste des poissons des lacs et cours d'eau suisses

Bahasa Perancis
Bahasa Jerman
Bahasa Itali
Bahasa Latin
Bahasa Perancis
Bahasa Jerman
Bahasa Itali
Bahasa Latin

An English-Spanish glossary of terminology used in forestry, range, wildlife, fishery, soils, and botany

Glosario en Ingles-Espanol de terminologia usada en forestales, pastizales, fauna silvestre, pesqueria, suelos, y botanica

Bahasa Inggeris
Bahasa Sepanyol
Bahasa Inggeris
Bahasa Sepanyol

Über 1200 Begriffe aus dem Bereich Essen & Trinken.

Bahasa Jerman (Monolingual)

An English-Indonesian database including scientific names.

Bahasa Inggeris
Bahasa Indonesia

The Regulatory Fish Encyclopedia (RFE) is a compilation of data in several formats that assists with the accurate identification of fish species. The RFE includes for each of a number of commercially relevant fish species for sale in the U.S. market high-resolution photographs as their scanned digital images (jpeg format) of whole fish and their ma... View more

Bahasa Inggeris (Monolingual)

Multilingual Fish Species Dictionary with terms in 4 languages + Latin scientific names. Diccionario multilingüe de peces en 4 idiomas + nombres científicos.

Bahasa Sepanyol
Bahasa Inggeris
Bahasa Perancis
Bahasa Latin
Bahasa Portugis

Glosario bilingüe inglés-español de términos de piscicultura
Bilingual English-Spanish Fish Glossary

Bahasa Inggeris
Bahasa Sepanyol

Definitions of Fisheries Technical Terms

Bahasa Inggeris (Monolingual)

Fish names in English and Greek, with Latin names.

Bahasa Inggeris
Bahasa Greek
Bahasa Latin
Bahasa Inggeris
Bahasa Greek
Bahasa Latin
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