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Money matters Statute of limitation in Belgium? Agency refuses to pay. I forgot to invoice them in 2016 ...and I'm just now contacting them about
it. P.S. No contracts were signed when we
collaborated in 2016, and I had not been made
aware of any time limits for invoicing in any of
Mikhail Kropotov May 7
Money matters Statute of limitation in Belgium? Agency refuses to pay. A Belgian customer is refusing to pay me for
translation work done in 2016. Their excuse is
that more than 5 years have passed since I
delivered the work and they're citing this Belgian
Mikhail Kropotov May 7
Money matters Dystopian translation world The rate scheme looks pretty good to me The biggest question for me, however, would be
about where the full matches are coming from. If
they were from a TM that is populated with my own
translations, I'd be OK with the 10% rate.
Mikhail Kropotov Sep 3, 2023
Business issues Foreigners telling me how to write English Question I sympathize completely, Phil. Dealing with such
nonsense from unqualified reviewers can be a real
drag on an otherwise healthy business
relationship. [quote]philgoddard wrote: The
Mikhail Kropotov Sep 2, 2023
MemoQ support Setting a negative filter for concordance results Link to a solution Sorry for necroposting, but I found this old
thread via a Google search and I suspect others
might, too. A regex-based solution was
discussed here in 2022. I hope this helps
Mikhail Kropotov Aug 15, 2023
Russian "Жемчужины" перевода- 2 Рекламные и маркетинговые тексты можно адаптировать Если переводчик счел бы,
что цитата Армстронга
недостаточно узнаваема для
русскоязычной аудитории,
Mikhail Kropotov May 14, 2023
KudoZ What happened to "Vote to change PRO/NON PRO" ? The button is still there for me I'm not sure why it doesn't display for you. Maybe support could help?
Mikhail Kropotov Jun 27, 2020
Trados support How do I see the Translation Memories view and the Editor at the same time? Because Trados's concordance is a joke, I find
myself routinely switching to the Translation
Memories view to search the TM manually. Then I
have to switch back to the Editor to continue
Mikhail Kropotov May 6, 2020
MemoQ support How easy is it for a Trados user to start using MemoQ? Should be pretty intuitive After picking up a few essential editor shortcuts,
like Ctrl+Enter for "Confirm segment" and Ctrl+K
for Concordance lookup, you should be ready to
plow through texts with the same speed yo
Mikhail Kropotov Mar 31, 2020
Money matters Rates for transcription + translation That's a low rate If it includes anything other than reading text
off a page, it's a very low rate.
Mikhail Kropotov Mar 17, 2020
MemoQ support How to get a useful progress report? Additional observations [quote]Thomas T. Frost wrote: Is there anything
unusual in the TM setup? Did you check in the TM
that the confirmed segments have actually been
written to it? If the segments were confirm
Mikhail Kropotov Mar 11, 2020
MemoQ support How to get a useful progress report? Another workaround [quote]Tomasz Sienicki wrote: [quote] Is there
a way to get this information without creating a
view each time? [/quote] You don't have to
create a view each time. Create a view cont
Mikhail Kropotov Mar 11, 2020
MemoQ support How to get a useful progress report? Checked -- not working [quote]TranslateWithMe wrote: Well, I've
checked it just now and my MemoQ (R2 2014)
produced the right intermediate statistics report
for a file done in about 50%. Perhaps it is a
Mikhail Kropotov Mar 11, 2020
MemoQ support Server TM fails to synchronize offline Once in a while, I need to work on my client's
MemoQ project offline. So I download / synchronize
the project files, including multiple
TMs. Recently, MemoQ failed to "Synchronize
Mikhail Kropotov Mar 9, 2020
MemoQ support How to get a useful progress report? Used to work this way, but doesn't anymore [quote]TranslateWithMe wrote: Yes, it is a
problem. But, why can't you just do analysis in
Statistics as you did before translation. All the
segments translated by you and confirmed will
Mikhail Kropotov Mar 9, 2020
KudoZ Rising from the ashes? - Glossary-building KudoZ Thank you, Katalin! Spot on. Mikhail Kropotov Mar 6, 2020
KudoZ Rising from the ashes? - Glossary-building KudoZ How can I opt out of being notified of Glossary-building questions? I've already filtered the ProZ account that adds
these questions, but I keep getting emails about
them. Thank you for any pointers.
Mikhail Kropotov Mar 4, 2020
MemoQ support How to get a useful progress report? Obviously not I described my use case quite clearly. Please
re-read it to understand what I'm asking for.
Mikhail Kropotov Feb 18, 2020
MemoQ support How to get a useful progress report? When I analyze my progress on a project, MemoQ no
longer gives me a useful analysis report. Let me
explain what I mean. The "Count" portion of the
Statistics reports accurately reflects
Mikhail Kropotov Feb 9, 2020
Business issues Just wanted to share... Nothing really toxic about it I realize you didn't raise this thread to gather
more feedback, but if you had, I would agree with
Cilian that **any animation** gets old quickly. I
used to have one as my avatar and even
Mikhail Kropotov Nov 29, 2019
Russian Что-то странное происходит на Мультитране Написать Поминову [quote]Yelena Pestereva wrote: ничего
не прислали, и я
заблокирована. Поминову,
что ли, написать?
[/quote] Странно, ч�
Mikhail Kropotov Aug 1, 2019
Teaching and Learning Languages Proficient vs. Fluent: which is the higher requirement (in a job ad)? Hello, We routinely post job ads where we
require applicants to have a certain command of
English, including both spoken and written
English. Some roles require a better command of
Mikhail Kropotov Jul 19, 2019
KudoZ KudoZ: Should vote pro/non-pro options be eliminated? The asker should have the final say Many of my questions have been wrongly
reclassified by 'peer consensus' as non-Pro,
against my will and to the detriment of the
answers the questions attracted.

[Edited at
Mikhail Kropotov Apr 30, 2019
Russian See detail "A" on doc. No.: Возможное объяснение: тема и рема Полагаю, Вы в курсе того,
что такое тема и рема
(актуальное членение
предложения). "Деталь A см.
в док.
Mikhail Kropotov Apr 1, 2019
Russian Как связаться с Игорем Миголатьевым? Всем спасибо. Вопрос решен, ветку можно
Mikhail Kropotov Feb 22, 2019
Russian Как связаться с Игорем Миголатьевым? Здравствуйте! Знает ли
кто-нибудь Игоря
Миголатьева и его
актуальную контактную
информацию? Речь
Mikhail Kropotov Feb 1, 2019
Proofreading / Editing / Reviewing Grammar experts to help conclusively resolve grammar arguments? You can say that again! [quote]Thomas T. Frost wrote: I've worked as an
IT specialist for 20 years and never come across
anyone saying "a software". It's like saying "a
water". I would find it difficult to take
Mikhail Kropotov Oct 17, 2018
Proofreading / Editing / Reviewing Grammar experts to help conclusively resolve grammar arguments? Not a question of style [quote]Thomas Pfann wrote: With questions of
style (and that's what your 'a software' issue is)
there is no black and white, no right and
wrong.[/quote] While I agree with your
Mikhail Kropotov Oct 17, 2018
Proofreading / Editing / Reviewing Grammar experts to help conclusively resolve grammar arguments? Thank you for the tips. Perhaps I should give an example. Of course I realize not all grammar issues are
black and white. However, the ones I usually deal
with are. Let me give an example now. I did not
want the discussion to focus on any specifi
Mikhail Kropotov Oct 17, 2018
Proofreading / Editing / Reviewing Grammar experts to help conclusively resolve grammar arguments? But can they answer my specific questions? Is there a team behind the Chicago Manual of Style
that answers people's language questions? I
thought it was just a reference resource. I'm
not looking for guides or books. I'm looking
Mikhail Kropotov Oct 17, 2018
Proofreading / Editing / Reviewing Grammar experts to help conclusively resolve grammar arguments? Hi, As a reviser and copyeditor, it is my job
to explain English grammar issues to colleagues
from time to time. When a colleague doesn't accept
my explanation and insists on a differen
Mikhail Kropotov Oct 17, 2018 Translator Coop Plus features: "Call me" button and priority messaging (aka. "real-time communications") I was surprised to find out I'm available to be contacted via voice and video As soon as I was alerted to this (I received an
email notification of someone trying to chat with
me), I defaulted all settings to "not
available". Who thought this was a good idea?
Mikhail Kropotov Jul 26, 2018
KudoZ Proposed new KudoZ-X service - feedback requested Not that I disagree with you... [quote]Andy Watkinson wrote: I don't waste my
time clicking on every link I see (which is where
I imagine this information you provide is
contained - it's not in the OP) [/quote] A
Mikhail Kropotov Jul 17, 2018
KudoZ Proposed new KudoZ-X service - feedback requested They're talking about one-on-one multimedia sessions [quote]Andy Watkinson wrote: Actually, I believe
this "new service" already exists. It's called
KudoZ or something.... [/quote] They're talking
about one-on-one multimedia sessions,
Mikhail Kropotov Jul 17, 2018 Translator Coop Announcing new look for translator training pages I got an email invitation to attend a workshop in Italian which I do not speak or translate
Mikhail Kropotov May 29, 2018
MemoQ support memoq's inconsistent statistics I'll be the judge of that I understand you initially wrote this post to
educate peers about inconsistencies in how MemoQ
collects or presents project statistics. Well done
on that -- we've heard you. The issue in q
Mikhail Kropotov May 25, 2018
MemoQ support memoq's inconsistent statistics Status, not contents, of the target [quote]Epameinondas Soufleros
wrote: [quote]Mikhail Kropotov wrote: Once you
bring in translation, it's more useful to treat
each segment according to the status of the
target, not
Mikhail Kropotov May 25, 2018
MemoQ support memoq's inconsistent statistics Precisely because there's a translation process involved. [quote]Epameinondas Soufleros
wrote: [quote]Philippe Etienne wrote: After
translation, A TM match is a 101% match and a
repetition is a 101% match. [/quote] Does
translation ch
Mikhail Kropotov May 25, 2018
MemoQ support memoq's inconsistent statistics Analyze repetitions before starting work That's why you should, ideally, create an analysis
and save it as a log BEFORE you start
working. If you would like to calculate how
many repetitions an already translated project
Mikhail Kropotov May 25, 2018
Russian О кораблях, которые плавают и ходят даешь квАртал и ходатАйство! а также дОбычу, компАс и
кремА! Зинк, пробей мужчине
печень! согласно

[Edited at 2018-05-11 17:12
Mikhail Kropotov May 11, 2018
Translation Theory and Practice "mankind" determined a gender-specific word Oh? [quote]Daniel Frisano wrote: Since in the US
they have long reached full equality, overcome all
kinds of discrimination and built a peaceful
society, it seems just right that they deal
Mikhail Kropotov Mar 22, 2018
Translation Theory and Practice "mankind" determined a gender-specific word Yes [quote]B D Finch wrote: I think that some of the
contributors to this thread should do some
research on the reasons for using gender-neutral
language. Some empathy and understanding of wh
Mikhail Kropotov Mar 22, 2018
Translation Theory and Practice "mankind" determined a gender-specific word 'Humanity/humankind' replacing 'mankind' IS an accepted gender-neutral solution [quote]Thomas T. Frost wrote: I'm making a
mockery out of it because it's utterly
ridiculous. It does not in any way address any
real discrimination issues. It's just virtue
Mikhail Kropotov Mar 22, 2018
Translation Theory and Practice "mankind" determined a gender-specific word Making a mockery out of a serious matter [quote]Thomas T. Frost wrote: [quote]Mikhail
Kropotov wrote: Why not say humanity or
humankind instead? Simples. [/quote] There's
also "man" in "humankind". Should we say
Mikhail Kropotov Mar 22, 2018
Translation Theory and Practice "mankind" determined a gender-specific word If you're free to express yourself... Why not say humanity or humankind instead?
Mikhail Kropotov Mar 22, 2018
Money matters Not Overly Impressed Not "here" [quote]Mirko Mainardi wrote: James only wrote
he's "disappointed that such practices are
allowed" here. That's different from blaming the
site for that client's behavior. And I for one<
Mikhail Kropotov Mar 13, 2018
Money matters Not Overly Impressed Which specific guidelines? [quote]Mirko Mainardi wrote: However, it would be
nice if those "professional guidelines" actually
meant something... [/quote] Which of those
guidelines do you think this negotiation p
Mikhail Kropotov Mar 13, 2018
Money matters Not Overly Impressed Site cannot be responsible for that [quote]James Hodges wrote: Rather disappointed
that such practices are allowed under the terms
and conditions of the site. [/quote]
provides a way for you to meet and communi
Mikhail Kropotov Mar 13, 2018
Translation Theory and Practice The grammar of Russiagate: Russians or "the" Russians? Thanks for sharing The article makes some good points. The author
appears to be very meticulous with language, down
to the last comma, which makes me trust him on
issues of grammar. One sentence doesn't read
Mikhail Kropotov Mar 4, 2018
MemoQ support Should I choose MemoQ instead of SDL Trados Studio for translation of a Word document with tables? MemoQ When you import Excel files into MemoQ, you can
choose the precise cell ranges you want to
translate / not translate. The editor should also
be able to provide a preview in the Preview pan
Mikhail Kropotov Feb 16, 2018

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