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Search results: (230 matches)
Russian Windows 10: кто пробовал, какие впечатления? Стабильная работа Недавно приобрёл новый
ноутбук с Windows 8, на
следующий день обновил до
8.1, а затем до 10. Никаких
Andriy Yasharov Sep 12, 2015
Office applications Macro for Excel splitting documents every certain number of words Kutools I have used Kutools for Excel for some time and it
proved quite useful. It can split and merge
files. There's a trial version with full
Andriy Yasharov Jun 6, 2015
CAT Tools Technical Help Create a Word bilingual file (table) from TMX Heartsome TMX Editor 8 It is very easy to convert a TMX file to a MS Word
bilingual table with a free tool called Heartsome
TMX Editor 8. Here's a download link It is a
Andriy Yasharov Jan 27, 2015
Translation in Ukraine / Переклад в Україні Чеки на інкасо, Харків? Укрексімбанк Спробуйте віднести чеки в
Andriy Yasharov Aug 4, 2014
CAT Tools Technical Help How to have a word count of a tmx file. Olifant Open your tmx file in olifant and save it as a
wordfast TM. Olifant can work in any OS.
Andriy Yasharov Apr 18, 2014
Software applications Abbyy Finereader 12 nowhere to be seen after installation Archived files Most probably the installation file was an
archived file that by default uncompressed to a
temp folder on your C drive. I would go to this
temp folder and try to launch the actual unpacked
Andriy Yasharov Apr 13, 2014
Powwows Powwow: Kharkiv - Ukraine Причина Вопрос: почему мероприятие
состоятся не может? В чем
причина отмены?
Andriy Yasharov Feb 24, 2014
Russian Полезные советы (Tips and Tricks) Полезные макросы для Ворда Недавно обнаружил
интересный сайт, на котором
опубликована коллекция
различных макросов для
Andriy Yasharov Feb 7, 2014
Translation Theory and Practice Need links for practical translating techniques Guides Sometimes I use
ts.html]The Chicago Manual of Style[/url] and
Andriy Yasharov Nov 22, 2013
Translation in Ukraine / Переклад в Україні Чеки на інкасо Тарифи Укрексімбанк приймає до
сплати на інкасо іменні
чеки в іноземній валюті
будь-яких емітентів.
Andriy Yasharov Oct 31, 2013
Translation in Ukraine / Переклад в Україні Чеки на інкасо Укрексімбанк Укрексімбанк з радістю
прийме Ваші іменні чеки в в
доларах, євро або фунтах.
Andriy Yasharov Oct 31, 2013
Powwows Powwow: Donetsk - Ukraine Всё-таки пиццерия "New York Street Pizza" Место встречи не меняем,
несмотря на то, что в других
местах может быть лучше, но
там и цены на порядок
Andriy Yasharov Oct 23, 2013
Fun with language The Shakespearean Insult Kit Thou art Will it be more correct to add "Thou art" before
starting a combination of these words? For
example, Thou art reeky hell-hated maggot-pie.
Andriy Yasharov Oct 21, 2013
Russian перевод в сфере информационных технологий Пара ссылочек [quote]Erzhaor wrote а можно пару
ссылочек на такие ресурсы?
[/quote] Коллега в своем
блоге писала о ресурсах,
Andriy Yasharov Oct 21, 2013
MemoQ support URGENT! XLIFF into TXML Another way I would export the TM from memoQ as a TMX file,
save that as Wordfast TM with Olifant for better
compatibility, import the Wordfast TM into WFA
settings, import the original document into
Andriy Yasharov Oct 18, 2013
MemoQ support URGENT! XLIFF into TXML TXML [quote]TXML file.[/quote] TXML is Wordfast Pro
proprietary bilingual format. You can process the
document in Wordfast Pro in order to produce a
TXML file.
Andriy Yasharov Oct 18, 2013
Medical Clinical trial translation Documents [quote]what are the kinds of documents that one
gets for clinical trials?[/quote] The documents
that I regularly translate are patient information
sheets, informed consent forms, clinica
Andriy Yasharov Oct 18, 2013
Medical Clinical trial translation Time and effort It does take time to learn how to deal with
translation of clinical trial documents. Even with
a University degree in biology and several years'
experience in medical translation, as it is
Andriy Yasharov Oct 18, 2013
Money matters How to open US bank account for foreginers? twice told tale I think this topic has already been discussed
before. You can refer to
Andriy Yasharov Oct 10, 2013
Ukrainian Українська російська Локалізація Ці клієнти ще люблять
замовляти локалізацію
перекладу на російську
(Росія) або на російську
Andriy Yasharov Oct 8, 2013
Powwows Powwow: Kharkiv - Ukraine В субботу бы [quote]Vitaliy Dzivoronyuk
wrote: организаторы не
прислушиваются ко мнению
остальных потенциальных
Andriy Yasharov Oct 2, 2013
Powwows Powwow: Kharkiv - Ukraine а может? [quote]Anna Melnikova wrote: А может
дату перенесем? На 5-е,
например. [/quote] 5 октября
было бы оптимальным
Andriy Yasharov Sep 26, 2013
Wordfast support Should I buy Wordfast pro? Wordfast Pro Limitations Wordfast Pro proprietary file format is txml that
other CAT tools can process adequately. Then,
there are some limitations of the trial version of
Wordfast Pro. For instance, you cannot ex
Andriy Yasharov Sep 11, 2013
Russian Странный текст в формате Word Настройки В Word 2007 в настройках:
Дополнительно нужно
деактивировать пункт
"Показывать коды полей
вместо их знач
Andriy Yasharov Sep 6, 2013
Translation in Ukraine / Переклад в Україні Виведення грошей з Moneybookers на рахунок в ПриватБанку (біда!) Карточный счет [quote]Yuliya Kinash wrote: подскажите,
пожалуйста, в каком банке
открыть счет, чтобы вывести
деньги из
Andriy Yasharov Jul 31, 2013
Russian Insider thread Известный ресурс [quote]amatsyuk wrote: На известном
ресурсе "от трех букв"
(появившемся недавно, и
заслуживающем отдельного
Andriy Yasharov Jul 13, 2013
Wordfast support Wordfast Pro 3.2- Editable PDF files no longer load Wordfast Pro 3.1.5 If this feature used to work in Wordfast Pro
3.1.5, then, and this is what I did, it makes
sense to downgrade to Wordfast Pro 3.1.5.
Andriy Yasharov Jul 9, 2013
Wordfast support Wordfast Pro 3.2 Search and Replace crashing a lot Wordfast Pro 3.2 often freezes This is similar to what I've been experiencing
lately. When working on a large file, Wordfast Pro
3.2 often becomes unresponsive and freezes
completely. So, I had to downgrade to Wordfast
Andriy Yasharov Jun 30, 2013
MemoQ support termbase fuzzy matches in MemoQ 2013 Opening a CSV file in Excel [quote]simon tanner wrote: I tried doing this,
but when I opened the file in excel the columns
were all screwed up. I wish I knew how to post a
screen shot, so I could show you, but bas
Andriy Yasharov Jun 27, 2013
Office applications How to insert line break in Excel cells? Alt-Enter Place your cursor after the required word in an
Excel cell and press Alt+Enter. That should work.
Andriy Yasharov May 29, 2013
Business issues What would you expect from a translation agency? Deadlines matter too [quote]Marie-Helene Dubois wrote: 1) Find
clients 2) Offer regular work at reasonable rates
and with reasonable payment terms 3) Resolve any
client conflicts or disputes without invol
Andriy Yasharov May 16, 2013
Wordfast support Convert PDF to WORD with Wordfast Word Counter Word counter I thought that the service just counted the words
in the submitted document. Does it convert pdf
files to word files to boot?
Andriy Yasharov May 15, 2013
Wordfast support Wordfast fails to load document and closes OCR I believe that it might be quicker to run the PDF
file through an OCR program and then translate a
Word file in Wordfast Pro. The OCR result should
be of fair quality since it is a live PD
Andriy Yasharov May 13, 2013
Russian Поделитесь, пожалуйста, впечатлениями о Translation Office 3000 (+ новость о скидках) Поддерживаю [quote]Anton Konashenok wrote: Я всю
учетность веду в Excel,
формулы сам писал.
[/quote] Верно, я работаю на
Andriy Yasharov Apr 25, 2013
MemoQ support memoQ and Worfast memoQ translation memories and termbases No problem at all. You just export memoQ TM as TMX
file and import that into a newly created Wordfast
Pro TM. The same applies to a memoQ termbase that
can be exported to a CSV file, then
Andriy Yasharov Apr 21, 2013
MemoQ support memoQ and Worfast txml files memoQ handles Wordfast Pro txml files very well.
I've never had any problems with the txml files
that were processed in memoQ. In addition, I'd
recommend that you always check the txml fil
Andriy Yasharov Apr 21, 2013
Translation in Ukraine / Переклад в Україні Переказ коштів іноземною юр. особою на рахунок фіз. особи Такі питання Такі питання, щодо оплати
виконаної роботи, потрібно
обговорювати з замовником
заздалегідь перед поча
Andriy Yasharov Apr 17, 2013
Translation in Ukraine / Переклад в Україні Українська конференція перекладацької галузі (UTIC) Група в мережі Facebook Дуже активне обговорення
майбутньої конференції
відбувається в групі
мережі Facebook
Andriy Yasharov Apr 3, 2013
Wordfast support How to apply for the Wf Pro 3.2 beta program? Wordfast Pro 3.2.6 beta I was admitted fairly quickly. Then, in the Files
section of the group you can find a link that will
lead you to the latest build of Wordfast Pro 3.2
beta that you can test.

Andriy Yasharov Mar 13, 2013
MemoQ support MemoQ and Wordfast users No problem There should be no problem when doing txml
projects with MemoQ. When given txml files for
translation or editing, what I do is complete the
project in MemoQ and then, just to be on the saf
Andriy Yasharov Mar 13, 2013
Wordfast support WordFast Classic vs WordFast Pro Wordfast Pro 3.2 beta [quote]Dominique Pivard wrote: The next version
of Wordfast Pro (3.2, currently in beta) ...
[/quote] Where can one download and try this
Wordfast Pro 3.2 beta from? The official si
Andriy Yasharov Mar 6, 2013
Getting established How to ensure payment - advice needed A translator's contract You can conclude a translation services agreement
between yourself and your client. In this
agreement or a contract you describe the terms of
cooperation and payment. Another measure is t
Andriy Yasharov Jan 31, 2013
Trados support How to convert TM in txt to tmx file? ApSIC Xbench ApSIC Xbench 2.9 is a free utility that you can
use to convert your exported txt Trados 2007
translation memory to a tmx file. You import your
txt memory file into ApSIC Xbench and then yo
Andriy Yasharov Jan 27, 2013
Russian Поиск по Кудозу на русском языке IntelliWebSearch Удобнее всего пользоваться
бесплатной программой
IntelliWebSearch, которую можно
легко настроить для поиска
Andriy Yasharov Aug 1, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Which PDF converter do you prefer? ABBYY PDF Transformer 3.0 and ABBYY Fine Reader 11 ABBYY Fine Reader 11 Professional version produces
even better results than ABBYY PDF Transformer
3.0. You don't even have to open the main
interface of the program, just right-click a pdf
Andriy Yasharov Feb 24, 2012
Russian Можно ли очистить память Традоса от неудачных вариантов перевода? В TMX редакторе Лично я бы вывел ТМ в TMX
файл, а потом бы
воспользовался двумя
программами Olifant и Heartsome TMX
Editor (30 дней пр�
Andriy Yasharov Feb 13, 2012
Translator resources Flip spell checker Grammarly I can recommend a service called Grammaly. It's It checks grammar, punctuation and
style of your text that you need to paste into a
special field on the page.
Andriy Yasharov Nov 14, 2011
Translation news Google launches new social networking site: Google+ Invitation As of today an invitation is required to join the
network because it is in beta testing mode. You
can send your email address to Google and they
will invite you to join when it is time. As
Andriy Yasharov Jul 1, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you involve your family in translation? Only when overworked At the end of a day I sometimes ask my wife to
proofread my translations in order to check
spelling mistakes and misprints that escaped my
notice. Although not very often.
Andriy Yasharov Jun 23, 2011
Translation news World's most endangered languages Natural process It's all natural. Like all living things languages
have their life span. I have an interesting
question to ask, how many new languages have
appeared lately?
Andriy Yasharov Jun 8, 2011

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