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Search results: (102 matches)
MemoQ support MemoQ 2014 R2 very, very slow!?! memoQ does that memoQ does that (it's called autopropagation, see
Translation Settings >
Auto-Propagation). However, segments 1 and 7 in
your example aren't identical, that's why segment
7 isn't au
Tomasz Sienicki Oct 23, 2015
MemoQ support MemoQ 2014 R2 very, very slow!?! memoQ [quote]Gert Sass (M.A.) wrote: Thank you
Tomasz. Could you please name the software you
are referring to (and provide a specific path)?
[/quote] This is a memoQ forum, I mentioned
Tomasz Sienicki Oct 22, 2015
MemoQ support MemoQ 2014 R2 very, very slow!?! Translate to fuzzy in memoQ [quote]Gert Sass (M.A.) wrote: Or have I missed
out on something? [/quote] You might have.
Have a look at the "Translation Settings" /
"Automatic lookup and insertion" dialogue and
Tomasz Sienicki Oct 22, 2015
MemoQ support Cannot open any projects in MemoQ 2015 Try 7.8.56 7.8.56 has just been released. Try the new
Tomasz Sienicki Oct 22, 2015
MemoQ support MemoQ error: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Downgrade to mQ 12014 R2 Same here, I am afraid (the newest build, 7.8.55).
The solution is to import the files to memoQ
2014 R2 and pretranslate them there. The reason
for the bug might be that mQ 2015 tri
Tomasz Sienicki Oct 16, 2015
Translator resources Danish and Swedish dictionaries Technical Danish For technical Danish I can recommend *
Dansk-engelsk industriordbog by Jørgen Rohde *
Illustrated building dictionary [DA-EN-DA] by
Ulrik A. Hovmand
Tomasz Sienicki Oct 14, 2015
MemoQ support MemoQ issue with the Shift Key memoQ capitalizes first letters of target segments [quote]Mario Freitas wrote: it started
self-pressing the "Shift" key everytime I change
segments[/quote] memoQ capitalizes first
letters of target segments - perhaps this is what
Tomasz Sienicki Oct 12, 2015
Polish Słownik SAP URL Tomasz Sienicki Jun 20, 2015
MemoQ support Confirming segments-cursor jumps to the beg or the end of thefile Ctrl+Shift+G Press Ctrl+Shift+G to customize your "Jump to"
Tomasz Sienicki Mar 24, 2015
MemoQ support MemoQ 2014 R2 - preview does not refresh at all Known bug in 7.5.4 The developers are aware of this issue and the fix
is on the way.
Tomasz Sienicki Dec 13, 2014
Business issues Salary levels in Poland for DE-EN translators Try the Polish forum Try asking this in the Polish forum. Tomasz Sienicki Nov 25, 2014
Polish Nowy słownik angielsko-polski (Wiedza Powszechna) Wersja dla Kindle for PC [quote]Hanna Jankowska wrote: Uruchomiony na
laptopie w programie Kindle for PC działa jak
normalny słownik elektroniczny. [/quote] 10
dolarów to faktycznie niewiele. Niestety,
Tomasz Sienicki Nov 20, 2014
MemoQ support Workflow MemoQ 2013 R2 / Déjà Vu X3 Why trouble the client? [quote]Olaf Reibedanz wrote: But I hope I can
find a solution that won't be too complicated for
the client... [/quote] Why don't you test all
these solutions at your end, since you h
Tomasz Sienicki Jul 28, 2014
MemoQ support URGENT - Adding comma, colon and semi-colon to memoQ's segmentation rules The simplest solution To segment sentences on commas, colons and
semi-colons add the following lines in the "Rules"
window: ;#!# :#!# ,#!# ...and reimport
your document.
Tomasz Sienicki Jul 23, 2014
Software applications InDesign Language Terminal [quote]John Fossey wrote: I have used the
Creative Cloud version a few times, to convert
INDD files to IDML for translating in SDL Studio.
It cost $25 for a one-month
Tomasz Sienicki Jun 20, 2014
Translation Project / Vendor Management Where did all the Polish and Russian job postings go? Customize [quote]LilianBNekipelo wrote: Maybe 10% of what
it used to be. [/quote] That would mean 60
Polish/English job offers per day before
December... I don't know about Russian, but it
Tomasz Sienicki Apr 17, 2014
Translation Project / Vendor Management Where did all the Polish and Russian job postings go? Check your settings I've just had a look at the ProZ front page and I
can see: 09 Apr: 6 Polish/English jobs 11 Apr:
3 Polish/English jobs 14 Apr: 6 Polish/English
jobs 16 Apr: 6 Polish/English jobs
Tomasz Sienicki Apr 17, 2014
Translator resources Windows glossary off line? It works [quote]Channa Montijn wrote: I just noticed
that I can not use the search function anymore of
px Anyone else experiencing this
Tomasz Sienicki Mar 19, 2014
Polish "Słownik anatomii i fizjologii człowieka" w formacie MultiTerm Multiterm [quote]Lucyna Długołęcka wrote: Multiterm
jest, jak się domyślam, tylko pod Tradosa.
[/quote] memoQ ma możliwość importu baz w
formacie Multiterm, ale nie wiem, czy zadziała
Tomasz Sienicki Mar 18, 2014
Polish "Słownik anatomii i fizjologii człowieka" w formacie MultiTerm Inne formaty [quote]Maciej Pawski wrote: ciężko się nie
zgodzić - słownik trafi do zawężonej grupy
tłumaczy. [/quote] Czyli nie ma możliwości
eksportu do innych formatów?
Tomasz Sienicki Mar 18, 2014
MemoQ support Is is possible to use floating windows in MemoQ? Only preview Only the preview window can be detached. Tomasz Sienicki Dec 6, 2013
MemoQ support How to move termbase from Trados to memoQ? MultiTerm help file [quote]Thomas Johansson wrote: how do I get a
Multiterm .xml file from Multiterm?
[/quote] This is described in the MultiTerm
help file (press F1): Home / SDL MultiTerm /
Tomasz Sienicki Nov 13, 2013
MemoQ support How to move termbase from Trados to memoQ? memoQ 2013 R2 I believe the newest memoQ version (6.8/2013R2)
directly supports importing termbases from
Multiterm .xml files -- they are listed as a
supported format along with CSV, TSV, TMX, Excel
Tomasz Sienicki Nov 13, 2013
MemoQ support Import the reviewed target into MemoQ2013 memoQ 2013 R2 This functionality has been added in memoQ 6.8. Tomasz Sienicki Oct 25, 2013
MemoQ support "Placeables" in memoQ Works in 6.5.11 If it's any help, it works for me in 6.5.11 (the
terms are both highlighted in green and underlined
in blue -- available both in the resulats pane and
in the AutoPick list). Double-check
Tomasz Sienicki Aug 20, 2013
Polish Problem z pretranslatowaniem pliku ttx Wykonaj segmentację w memoQ Otwórz plik ttx w memoQ przez "Import as"/"Import
with options" i zaznacz pole "Import unsegmented
Tomasz Sienicki Aug 16, 2013
MemoQ support memoQ error after importing Transit package bug This is a bug in 6.2 and 6.5. Warning: you
might not be able to export the package after
translation! Check it before you start
working. Kilgray support is aware of the bug;
Tomasz Sienicki May 29, 2013
MemoQ support Alignment MemoQ LiveDocs Alignment is done in the "LiveDocs" section of the
Project home pane. The instruction is available
Tomasz Sienicki May 27, 2013
MemoQ support Display meta-information in Memoq Resize the box The grey box is resizeable. Just make it higher to
make room for the extra information.
Tomasz Sienicki May 25, 2013
Polish Czy MemoQ da się lubić? Alt+Shift+F [quote]Lucyna Długołęcka wrote: Ratunku!!
[/quote] Naciśnij Alt+Shift+F lub kliknij
ikonę z przekreślonym lejkiem.
Tomasz Sienicki May 23, 2013
MemoQ support Unable to open file in MemoQ 6.2 Re-import and pre-translate Can't you simply re-import the document and
pre-translate it? You probably won't lose more
than one segment.
Tomasz Sienicki May 19, 2013
Polish Przypadki tłumaczy sądowych w Irlandii W Danii W Danii imigranci przebywający w kraju ponad 7
lat muszą sami płacić za obecność tłumacza w
szpitalu i u lekarza (obniżoną stawkę). Z
perspektywy czasu okazuje się, że
Tomasz Sienicki Jul 3, 2012
Transit support Where to download Star Transit 3.0 Satellite PE? memoQ You can use memoQ to complete Star Transit
projects (PPF/PXF in, TPF/TXF out). Even if ST
Satellite were still available, mQ is incomparably
more convenient to work with. I've successfu
Tomasz Sienicki Jun 29, 2012
Polish Czy to się opłaca??? Nie Realne stawki rynkowe są znacznie wyższe.
Zaproponowane Ci wielkości rabatów też są
Tomasz Sienicki Dec 14, 2011
CAT Tools Technical Help Keyboard shortcuts and glossaries for ForeignDesk Keyboard shortcuts for ForeignDesk [quote]Tania Samsonova wrote: Can anyone share a
list of keyboard shortcuts for ForeignDesk? (...)
I am especially interested in the key shortcuts
that scroll the list of fuzzy matches an
Tomasz Sienicki Jul 22, 2011
Polish shutdown of Google Translate API Pluginy [quote]Lucyna Długołęcka wrote: Gdy się ma
pewną wtyczkę włączoną, to bazy te wędrują
do serwera Kilgraya, skąd są dostępne dla
innych tłumaczy akurat podpiętych do tego
Tomasz Sienicki Jun 6, 2011
Polish Słownik techniczny polsko-angielski angielsko-polski VAT [quote]Karolina Blachucka wrote: Mam nadzieję,
że nie będzie problemu z wysyłką zagraniczną.
Tak na marginesie, lepiej kupić ten na Lexlandzie
czy wybrać opcję Onetu? [/quote]
Tomasz Sienicki Jun 4, 2011
Business issues A new version of Trados coming up? price war? According to this blog entry the discount is due
to the new version coming up soon ("SDL announced
that they would release the 2011 version of Trados
Studio in the second half of the year"
Tomasz Sienicki Jun 1, 2011
Polish Słownik lotniczy Słownik lotniczy [quote]angniempol wrote: polsko-angielski /
angielsko-polski słownik z dziedziny lotnictwa?
[/quote] Sergiusz Czerni, Słownik
Tomasz Sienicki May 29, 2011
MemoQ support HELP!!!!! MemoQ will not export a Powerpoint file! copy the tags [quote]Cedomir Pusica wrote: the source text had
some segments with {} marks in between - but they
just won't disappear when I try to edit the source
text. [/quote] You can't remove t
Tomasz Sienicki Mar 5, 2010
MemoQ support HELP!!!!! MemoQ will not export a Powerpoint file! Resolve the errors... [quote]Cedomir Pusica wrote: errors that MemoQ
wants me to resolve before exporting a Word
document (2003 version). I tried to do that,
namely, in the Resolve errors and warnings window
Tomasz Sienicki Mar 5, 2010
MemoQ support "Proofreading view" in MemoQ4 ? Proofreading view in memoQ 4 [quote]Estefanía González wrote: Is there a
"proofreading view" in MemoQ4 as in SDL Trados
Studio 2009, so that after translating a project I
can proofread it under another view? I
Tomasz Sienicki Mar 3, 2010
MemoQ support underlined words in MemoQ 4 promised and delivered The newest version - 4.0.19 - is free of this bug
(and 25 others, for that matter).
Tomasz Sienicki Feb 24, 2010
MemoQ support underlined words in MemoQ 4 punctuation marks The developers are aware of this bug and have
promised to fix it in one of the coming builds.
Tomasz Sienicki Feb 23, 2010
Polish Infix - czy ktoś zna i stosuje? odt, ods w Wordzie [quote]Andrzej Mierzejewski wrote: U mnie Word
2007 nie otwiera plików odt ani ods z
OO3. [/quote] W przypadku Worda 2007 trzeba
zainstalować dodatek Service Pack 2 (SP2; to się
Tomasz Sienicki Jan 27, 2010
Polish Infix - czy ktoś zna i stosuje? otworzy... [quote]Joanna Rączka wrote: Pod warunkiem, że
go w ogóle otworzy - tzn. jeśli będzie miał
OpenOffice'a. No i pytanie zasadnicze - jak z pdf
przejść na OpenOffice (bo rozumiem, �
Tomasz Sienicki Jan 27, 2010
MemoQ support drag and drop in MemoQ Not in 3.x [quote]simon tanner wrote: Is it not possible to
drag and drop text in MemoQ? [/quote] This
functionality is not available in MQ yet, but it's
been promised in the next version (4.0).
Tomasz Sienicki Oct 28, 2009
MemoQ support MemoQ/ Trados in our Proz profile TTX in MQ [quote]Grzegorz Gryc wrote: without Trados, you
can't create/presegment TTX files for MQ.
[/quote] You can segment TTX files with MemoQ:
try "Add document as... » Import unsegmente
Tomasz Sienicki Oct 20, 2009
MemoQ support MemoQ clean and unclean files To verify whether the exported document is
bilingual try pressing the ¶ button in Word
(sorry if you knew that).
Tomasz Sienicki Aug 4, 2008
MemoQ support MemoQ clean and unclean files yes [quote]Wolfgang Jörissen wrote: will this
produce a file in the original layout
[/quote] Yes. That's why it's called "Trados
compatible" :)
Tomasz Sienicki Aug 4, 2008

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