Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

diametrically opposing confessions

Indonesian translation:

sama sekali bertentangan dengan pengakuan iman

Added to glossary by Tony Bennjamin
Mar 19, 2017 03:47
7 yrs ago
English term

diametrically opposing confessions

English to Indonesian Other Religion Christianity
Life convictions, not theories. For the gulf that separates them lies not in a different arrangement of ideas but in a recognition or denial of the facts of life. For us who live from Revelation, that Messias lives, that Christ reigns, and as Sovereign He is seated on the throne of God’s power more certaintly than you are sitting here in this channel. Conversely, those who do not confess this must contest is as a harmful self delusion that stands in the way of national development, a worthless dogma, a senseless fantasy! These stand, therefore as diametrically opposing confessions
Change log

Mar 26, 2017 14:05: Tony Bennjamin Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

29 mins

sama sekali bertentangan dengan pengakuan iman

diametrically opposing confession yang dimaksud di sini bisa diartikan dengan sama sekali bertentangan dengan pengakuan iman dalam kristiani.

Note added at 31 menit (2017-03-19 04:19:14 GMT)

Confession di sini diartikan dengan pengakuan iman
Referensi 1 : Abraham Kuyper: A Centennial Reader page 468
Referensi 2 :
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